[color=#1A1A3B][b][u][h1][sub][sub][sub]Farren[/sub][/sub][/sub][/h1][/u][/b][/color] noted Torquil’s reaction, but gave him a small understanding smile, though internally he was surprised at the startling increase in his compatriot’s strength. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“Sorry to startle you,”[/b][/color] Farren said companionably, though he didn’t explain why he’d made the gesture. As they walked, Farren’s azure gaze fell on the hunter’s at the gate, taking in their builds, their weapons, the way they held themselves, and any other details he could manage. Rather than retain his usual suspicious air, Farren gave them an easy smile, letting Torquil go once they were within quickstep range. However, the hunters relaxed—if not entirely—as they came to recognize Ophelia. It was to their benefit because Farren was reasonably certain that the four of them could easily dismantle the more common hunter…and even if they couldn’t there would be little in the way of consequence for them. Well…beyond the obvious unpleasantness and mental toll that dying painfully would surely bring. Of course particularly seasoned or well equipped individuals could be the exception, but that didn’t much matter at the moment. With there being no pressing threats or likelihood of violence, Farren simply filed away the three strangers—one woman and two men, the former having her weapon looked over by a cleric, while the latter two were grouped together at a table with food atop it. [i]‘Resupplying,’[/i] Farren though, the reality coming to him almost unbidden as he took in the scene, noticing Victor last as he glanced upwards. That likely meant that most—if not all—of the White Church’s Hunters were already fully mobilized. That didn’t bode well for their mission. As he came up beside Ophelia, his gaze still on Victor as he gave the man a nod of acknowledgement, his expression still surprisingly relaxed. He was even smiling and it was convincing enough that it would be almost impossible to tell whether or not it was an act, unless you knew him fairly well. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“Looks like they’ve already mobilized,”[/b][/color] he commented casually as he glanced at Ophelia, before his eyes moved once more to Victor even as he—with a manner just as relaxed and amiable—addressed the room. [color=#1A1A3B][b]“This everyone?”[/b][/color]