[center] [h1] Scotti; the street rat [/h1] [/center] [hr] [color=808080] The young man could hear Selene Syn following him by the pounding of the metal under their feet or the smacking of the stone. Dust was flaring up because of them and quite a few bystanders began to cough and mumble under their breath in irritation – he swore he could hear someone yell his name because they recognized him. No time to stay and chat… or get beat up because of the mess he was causing. Going through a cloud of uncomfortably hot steam, he continued to run through the corridors like his life depended on it, because it most certainly did. If Selene wasn’t the one going to kill or hurt him – the unknown man in the trench coat and fedora might as well. That man didn’t give him much of a choice. From the ancient ducts that once supported Dominion cities were slamming echoes of someone running. Scotti didn’t hesitate to go into the ducts or stop running. Right when she stepped into the darkness, a scream let out, and it sounded from a faintly familiar voice. Scotti. His feet came out from under him, far down the passage, and he slid into something that he didn’t know. Into darkness. Slamming to a floor that was about ten feet under him, and he groaned while trying to look around. There was no light around him. Nothing could be heard. He had been through those tunnels a handful of times; how did he never fall into something like this before? The young man stood up and began to brush off his clothing as he tried to get his eyes to adjust but they wouldn’t. When he knew it was a lost cause to try his eyes, he fetched his phone from his pocket, and he brought it up. The screen flashed though it would have only exposed his face from how dim it was before he turned the flashlight on. That was when the area around him brightened up and he went to gasp but covered his mouth. His heart began to pound in his chest as the light exposed something that he didn’t want to see – human skeletal remains. Nothing looked fresh, not concerning enough that he was going to be somethings dinner, but it was terrifying that they were there in the first place. Looking up at the panel that he fell through, it still held on to the original duct by a few screws. How was he supposed to get back up there? It was high enough that he most likely couldn’t get up there by himself and a horror began to dwell on him – he was going to have to go further in this cave system and hope he can find an out or he was going to have to stay there and hopefully someone would help him up. A dry swallow and a wetting of his lips showed his anxiety once his hand fell to his side. The light of his mobile device moved and continued to expose skeletal remains, but he couldn’t hear anything around him. Scotti then thought about it… it was too quiet. [/color] [hr] [b]Interaction(s)[/b] running from Selene Syn [@Qia] [b]Current Situation[/b] Fell into a hole.