[b]NOON BROADCAST FROM PUBLIC AFFAIRS - [INTERMEDIATE GM POST][/b] [hr] [color=808080] The broadcasting would have been normal – the news constantly having broadcasts throughout the day – though this one came on about fifteen minutes early. Rough, 11:45 AM, Liora Vex was standing at the podium she usually does with a positive smile for the camera. “[color=white]Good late morning everyone, I know, doesn’t that sound funny?[/color]” she lightly laughed while organizing the papers on her desk. “[color=white]We have an emergency warning about earthquakes, it is not severe, it should not impact the cities of Dominion, though people might notice that it will be hard to stand for roughly ten to twenty minutes once it hits. There is a possibility that cracks could occur on the outer parts of the city, so beware, and miners in the Khia district, please have your emergency-medical kits near, and please report to your main halls in the mines. If any cave-ins happen, rescue teams will be there as quickly as possible once it is deemed safe,[/color]” she explained in her positive yet stern voice. She wanted people to know how serious this could impact the mining crews and workers in Khia. As she clasped her hands together, she continued, “[color=white]Please note, the estimate time this will happening is around 12:20 – 12:45 as a starting time. We do not know how long these will last so we urge all citizens to be alert, careful, and make sure to take cover when the trembles begin. Be safe citizens of Dominion![/color]” That was when the broadcasting turned off. A deeper blue screen came into view with a quick explanation: [center][color=white]Thank you, Citizens of Dominion. All the information that would be shared on our usual broadcast time of noon will be shared with tonight’s broadcasting. Thank you.[/color][/center] [/color] [hr]