[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kRCo56A.png[/img][/center][color=B5B1CE] [center][color=7998CE]Race:[/color] Tiefling [color=77ADFF]Class: [/color] Ranger [color=7998CE]Location:[/color] The Bar [color=77ADFF]Interactions:[/color] [@princess] Phia [color=7998CE]Equipment: [/color] [hider=Equipment List][color=D5E3ED]⋆[/color] Traveler’s cloak [color=D5E3ED]⋆[/color] Jewellery in picture [color=D5E3ED]⋆[/color] Hidden [url=i.imgur.com/CqhXhFT.jpeg]daggers in boots[/url] [color=D5E3ED]⋆[/color] [url=i.imgur.com/8Ah0Mon.jpeg]Longbow with etched star markings and quiver[/url] [/hider] [color=77ADFF]Attire:[/color] [color=D5E3ED]⋆[/color] [url=https://imgur.com/4KHymg4]Outfit/satchel[/url] [color=D5E3ED]⋆[/color] [url=https://imgur.com/DJOOLrL]Hair[/url] [color=7998CE]Gold Balance: [/color] 10 [color=77ADFF]Injuries: Scars on body, old chain marks on wrists, ankles and neck, tattoo on wrist with number[/color] [/center][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YiESyYS.png[/img][/center][color=B5B1CE] Arya sat quietly at the bar. Her figure was cloaked beneath a dark and hooded poncho. Its deep blue fabric, worn from travel, draped loosely around her petite frame. It hid her from the curious gazes she hoped to avoid. Her silver-white hair was mostly concealed beneath the hood in a half-up braided hairstyle, with only a few strands falling softly forward, and framed her anxious features. She shifted uneasily in her seat, gently tugging the cloak tighter around herself, one hand nervously gripping the worn strap of her satchel. Beneath the cloak, her ranger attire peeked through and showed a hint of leather padding on her thighs and worn gloves covering her fingers. An audible growl escaped her stomach. Arya blushed furiously beneath her hood. Her gaze darted toward the warforged bartender busy with the other patrons. Arya bit her lower lip softly, glancing downward. What if she was too loud? What if speaking up caused her to be seen-to be noticed, and for the authorities to be alerted? Each time she gathered the courage to raise her hand, another confident voice cut in front and thus, left her hungry and overlooked. It was as if she were at home, except there weren’t angry voices belittling her existence. A girl’s voice nearby piqued her curiosity. She noticed a vibrant flash of color from her peripheral vision. She looked over to observe a woman with long magenta hair standing at the bar. Her antlers poked out and reminded Arya of her own horns. This woman dressed in an outfit adorned from leafy garments. The way she dressed and her demeanor astounded Arya. Arya's eyes widened slightly beneath her hood in quiet fascination. The woman carefully placed an assortment of marbles and stones on the counter. Was she trying to pay with them? A soft smile played at Arya's lips, intrigued yet envious of the woman's carefree confidence. Some day, she hoped to mirror it; perhaps when her family was truly free. Her heart ached – were they still alive? No. She could not let herself think this way. Arya clutched her cloak and waited for whatever happened next.[/color]