[color=bfbfbf][sub][table= //////= POST DESIGN v1=\\\\\\][row][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/3yIxcOs.png[/img][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/row][row][cell][sup][img]https://i.imgur.com/02Lin0j.png[/img][/sup] [color=2e2c2c]_______________________________[sub]........[/sub][/color] [/cell][cell][color=white][center][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][img]https://i.imgur.com/DHKvx27.png[/img][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][center][color=2e2c2c]Location · |@vietmyke][/color] Location: Tu Zin, West Gate[/center][/sub][/center][/color][quote][color=2e2c2c]____________________________________________________________________________.[/color] [color=9f9f9f] Tu Zin was definitely larger than Jin had anticipated. He could've spent the entire week exploring, and still would've barely scratched the surface. At the very least they weren't unwelcome. It was hard for anyone to frown for too long when Sumire was chatting them up, and it turned out that being a technically minded and properly educated mechanic was quite useful out here in the Wilds. Not that the folks out in Tu Zin didn't do okay for themselves, but stopgaps and experience could only go so far without foundational knowledge to help out- and Jin, while not exactly used to the tech of Tu Zin, had both the foundations and experience to hit his stride easily enough. Sumire had more or less press-ganged Jin into becoming a handyman and mechanic, helping locals fix up whatever bits of machinery wasn't running quite right, in return for goodwill and beer. For all his grumbling, Jin didn't mind [i]too[/i] much. It was strange being in a single place for so long, stranger still that it was safe place for people like him. In a city like Tu Zin, Jin could actually play around with his bending to do more than just lift a coin in the air without fear of being arrested and sent to who knows where. Add to it the fact that he was now [i]unofficially[/i] unemployed- he'd not gotten in contact with, nor had he tried to reach out to contact Vyska and SynEn- Jin found himself with a surprising amount of free time on his hands. Time that he could use to really start exploring what his abilities that he'd hidden away for so long could do. That well of mysterious potential yielded only some faint results- apparently controlling air was harder than he expected to, especially without any sort of reference or teacher- the only they had even remotely similar to that were Chu Hua's firebending tapes- not exactly applicable to Jin, but he figured the basic fundamentals were [i]probably[/i] the same. In lieu of proper education, Jin stuck to what felt 'natural', well, as natural as all of this was anyway. Between training and helping out, Jin actually found very little time to explore the city at his own leisure. At least working with people helped him check out some parts of the city- though there were still areas they as newcomers weren't allowed into, like the town hall. Not that Jin wanted to go check the town hall out anyway, he still hadn't forgotten their first meeting. Unye seemed fine enough a man, but something about his very large shadow Tenet felt off to him. Jin still hadn't forgotten the weird heebie jeebies he'd gotten when the man first walked in, and wasn't entirely keen on experiencing it again, and thus gave Unye and Tenet a fairly wide berth during the week. Keeping away didn't necessarily stop them from finding him, unfortunately. Rather, they found Sumire, who then found him, though not before volunteering him for an expedition to investigate some strange creatures in the nearby forest- with hopes that that would shine some insight on the case of the disappearing people. Jin of course, made a big show of grumbling, but agreed to go along anyway- he wouldn't let Sumire go off without him, nor did he trust her safety in the rickety rust buckets the people of Tu Zin called 'cars'. The Kyoshi, for all intents in purposes, was basically as good as new, save the booster, which Jin had disabled for the time being- the damage it would cause to the engine was a bit too extreme to be easily repaired out in Tu Zin, nor did they have the fuel for it anyway. Cleaned, patched up, and topped off, in no small part thanks to the generous amount of spare parts granted by Sumire cashing in the enormous amounts of goodwill she'd earned in just that week. [color=steelblue]”Don't listen to her, Mire's a barnacle on my boat.”[/color] Jin retorted to Feyi as he heaved one last case of supplies onto the rack on top of his car and securing it all with cables, having conveniently missed all of Sumire and Feyi's previous conversation, save for her calling him an idiot. Sumire responded by sticking her tongue out at him. Somehow, Jin was in his element here, preparing for an expedition- it was not unlike what he was used to for work, though granted their vehicles and supplies were considerably lower tech than he was used to. His dust poncho billowed lightly in the wind, the high collar of his shirt hiding the snarky grin he shot the two women speaking below him. Settled against the hood of the Kyoshi was his rifle and a chunky heavy pistol- courtesy of Feyi and Tu Zin, as well as a pair of helmets, one red, its shattered faceplate replaced, one white, bunny ears repaired and whole. [color=steelblue]"Yo! Reman!"[/color] Jin drawled as he slid off the top of the Kyoshi, using a blast of air from his palms to slow his descent. [color=steelblue]"Packing always starts before dawn, otherwise we're wasting daylight."[/color] he replied, though not without Sumire elbowing him for his troubles. [color=white]"You say that like you weren't sleeping on the bench while [i]I[/i] was packing half of the cargo."[/color] Sumire whined. [color=steelblue]"Perks of having a passenger princess, I guess- besides, you had no trouble lending me out to every neighbor all week."[/color] Jin remarked, shooting a wry grin at Reman as they waited for the others. [color=steelblue]"Get settled Reman, we're still waiting on the others."[/color] [color=white]"Funny. I sure don't [i]feel[/i] like a princess..."[/color] [/color][/quote] [/cell][/row][/table][/sub][/color]