[center][color=9AF781][h1]Lord Leo Smithwood[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OEh1rTU.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=9AF781]Time:[/color] 6 pm [color=9AF781]Location:[/color] Castle Dinning Hall [color=9AF781]Interactions:[/color] Thea [color=9AF781]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/oKdesJw.jpeg]“Why was I not told red was the color for tonight?”[/url] [color=lightgray]Leo arrived at the castle shortly after Thea had; his timing was just right to continue avoiding a conversation with his mother. The harold, shouted his arrival, [color=gold]...Lord Leo Smithwood of Stravy,”[/color] as he entered the dining hall. His suit, one of eye-catching emerald green and ornate gold design, now seemed a mistake. Apparently red was the color for the evening! Leo spotted the cardinal-clad Lorenzo looking as dapper as ever, Charlotte echoing her father’s red scheme in her own dress, and Alexander in a striking crimson suit. Even the notoriously poorly put-together Prince Callum was decked out in red as were a handful of others. Green was quite literally the opposite of red, and Leo could feel his finger slipping from the constantly beating pulse of the latest trends. It was a maddeningly frustrating realization. Well, at least his shoes matched and looked significantly more expensive than a pair of slippers. [color=9AF781]“Look at this feast. Seems the Danroses’ have gone all out for your birthday.”[/color] He whispered to Thea as he took a seat beside her. He looked around at the feast spread out across the various tables and breathed a small sigh of relief. If everyone was eating the same food like this, there was little opportunity for any mystical pranks to be played solely on him. Either everyone was going to have some magical weird side effect, or the food was untainted. It was a huge relief not to have to avoid eating and potentially offend Edin. [color=9AF781]“Why are half the guests wearing red? Is that the new trend?”[/color] He asked, noting her orange dress. What was orange except a softer version of red. Still close enough to fit the theme. Unlike green.[/color]