[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjExNi5mODAwMDAuVW05b2FYUWdRVzFoY2cuMA/blackchancery.regular.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RckTIZf.jpeg[/img][/center] [color=lavender] [color=red]Time:[/color] 6 pm [color=red]Location:[/color] Castle Dinning Hall [color=red]Interactions:[/color] Hala [color=red]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/X5uyI6U_d.jpeg?maxwidth=520&shape=thumb&fidelity=high]Red like the other cool kids[/url] [hr] [color=gold]“Presenting Bey Rohit Amar of Kimoon!”[/color] The herald announced. Rohit was one of the last guests to arrive, late and seemingly unbothered by his lack of punctuality. His eyes widened slightly as he took in the sights: a sprawling feast that covered multiple tables, the collection of nobles from all over wearing only their best, and the lavish decorations that surrounded it all. The royal family had gone to great and impressive effort here. What was significantly less impressive was the sight of Caesonia’s king, and he tried his best to keep a neutral expression as he watched Edin shovel food into his mouth with all the gusto of a ravenous hog. Then again, who could match the grace and charm of Alidasht’s Sultan? Perhaps the bar for a royal presence was simply set too high by those from his own home. Rohit spotted the Grand Vizier taking his seat and he flashed him a bright smile and gave a small wave. With a plate of food in hand, Rohit headed to his assigned seat only to find a surprise to end all surprises. Here he was, smoked up, dressed in his finest silks, and ready to feast on the finest offerings in the city. Rohit mistakenly thought today could not get any better. But he was wrong. He saw the big, dark-furred pile of muscle first. A wide grin overtook his face as he recognized the dog immediately. Home, most often, was a place but deeper than that, it was the place filled with the people who made you feel welcomed and comfortable. In lieu of the place itself, to see someone who was basically family was just as precious. All lingering traces of homesickness vanished. [color=red]“Hala?!”[/color] His voice, a touch too loud but unmistakably delighted. [color=red]“When did you get here?”[/color] He asked, taking his seat. [/color]