[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/c2Golyt.png[/img][/center] [color=peru][center][h2]Stratya Durmand[/h2][/center] Time:[/color] 28th Sola, Evening [color=peru]Location:[/color] Castle Dining Hall [color=peru]Attire:[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/FOg6BjE.jpeg]Military Formal[/url], in Caesonian colors [url=https://i.imgur.com/PEMSUSV.jpeg]Family Dirk[/url] + [url=https://i.imgur.com/sS8bDBR.jpeg]Crest[/url], worn on the right [url=https://i.imgur.com/8bpbDCb.jpeg]Swordbreaker[/url], also worn on the right [color=peru]Interactions:[/color] [@JJDoe] Count Fritz [color=peru]Mentions:[/color] [@princess], [@Potter], [@SilverPaw], [@Helo] [color=peru][i]Arrigh’, Stratya. Th’ social events until now ‘ave been child’s play. T’is one’s t’ real deal.[/i][/color] She was just thankful she didn’t have to fuss over a bunch of outfits or, heavens forbid, those frilly [i]dresses[/i]. At the same time, her usual fallback seemed to want for something more. To dine in the castle hall, for a banquet, demanded extravagance. Maybe she should get in the habit of visiting the tailor more often? The military formal she’d been fitted for didn’t hinder her movements, and looked well enough to go to formal occasions like this, so it was very difficult for Stratya to decide against it. Which she hadn’t. She had a few of them. Her favorite was the one in green and brown and black, but for the banquet and the earlier event at the theater, she went with this Caesonian colored uniform. Like Prince Wulfric, she’d reviewed the seating, as well. She was to be seated around the corner from Morrigan. So, next to the High Table. She would be seated across from a doctor, and nearby that Count who seemed to have become friends with the Princess. Oh, and next to that other knight she’d met at the camping event. Well, at present, she was about to enter. The captain straightened herself and nodded to the herald, [color=yellow]“presenting, Knight Defender, Champion of the Realm, Captain Stratya Durmand of Verdant Creek!”[/color] Stratya entered and tried her best not to be struck by the glamor of the dinning hall. She’d begun to get used to all the opulence, but every once in a while, she’d be awed all over again. She caught herself looking at the high ceiling, and somehow passed it off as a moment of inner satisfaction before she drew her gaze back down. Having brought an appetite, the knight made a route almost directly for the hors d'Oeuvres table. There would be plenty of more filling and substantial items to be had at her seat, but her stomach was asking her for a morsel. She had one of the stuffed mushrooms before departing the table with a little slab of cheese topped with a bitty slice of smoked meat. Oooh, she could see the feast from here. The feast of her 15th year had been grand, but [i]this[/i]. Royalty may not have known how to camp, but she had learned then and saw now, again, they knew how to [i]eat[/i]. A person caught her attention away from the food, however. The young lady from the camping event, a face she hadn’t quite expected to see again. She was there, chatting with Prince August, Princess Anastasia, and the Grand Vizir. That all was opposite her own seat. The next thing to draw her attention was the gluttonous sight of the King. The less time spent on that, the better. He matched the [i]entire pig[/i] she spied set out for the feast. Aah, Princes Wulfric and Callum. Something struck her as odd about them, but she couldn't place what. While she considered the two of them, a greeting brought her out of her thoughts. [color=peru] “Aah, here’s a familiar face,”[/color] the captain smiled kindly as she took in the sight of the man, thinking back to where she’d seen him. Drake’s party and the theater, just earlier today.[color=peru] “Coun’ Frritz Hendrrix, wasn’ i’. Aye, aye, good tae see ya ‘gain.”[/color] The confidence of the handshake he had greeted her with was a welcome change from the usual. Some folks were confused by her gender and yet her title and rank and role, and couldn’t seem to decide whether to treat her as a woman or as a knight.[color=peru] “We’ve not ‘ad a good chance tae make good aquaintance. ‘ave ye ‘ad a bi’e, ye’? T’s all delicious. You’ll ne’er find meal expenses skimped on in Sorrian, haha!”[/color]