[center][h3][color=#b3ccff]Esben Mathiassen[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Esben suppressed a small smile at the mention of bergamot tea. He'd been expecting [i]slightly[/i] more than just the same pass phrase used before, but Izayoi's intervention cleared up the matter enough for the group to proceed. As Galahad began to outline the basics of the plan that had been reached, he turned back to Izayoi, giving a small point over at Chisato. [color=#b3ccff]"Is she any good?"[/color] he asked quietly. When Izayoi nodded in response, he returned his attention to Galahad, looking down at the map thoughtfully. [color=#b3ccff]"The three of us can manage our own entry easily enough,"[/color] he agreed with Miina. [color=#b3ccff]"But satisfying arrangements to get the others in the city afterwards may still prove difficult. Passing Goug off as part of a trade caravan may be the easiest. There's always some smugglers that intersperse themselves with such groups, and there are tricks to hide gear and people both if need be. Add in some cash to grease palms along the way and that may even go smoothly."[/color] With his gear kept secured, Galahad could likely leap his way into the city without much trouble or too much noise. Izayoi and Rudolf, with a change of clothes and properly applied grime, could pass as workers with a caravan easily enough—Éliane was likely the only one that would need certain [i]special treatment[/i] to get inside, whether that be hiding her entirely or an alternate method, if she wanted to be entirely unreasonable about things...something he still doubted, despite their argument. [color=#b3ccff]"We'll be able to adjust this once we come closer and know exactly what we're dealing with. Once we're inside, everybody's going to be on information duty. I want eyes on each of the Grovemasters; I'll trail Zacharias. Miina, you're on Alambert. Chisato, I want you to follow Isolde. Rudolf can give you a good sketch of what she looks like. No assassinations until I give the go ahead, both of you."[/color] That sufficed for the jobs of the three who were the stealthiest of the group. He looked up, pointing at another trio in turn. [color=#b3ccff]"Galahad, Izayoi, and Rudolf, I need the three of you to find us a base, and after that, see what you can do to find out what talk is happening within the church. Posing as beggars is an easy enough way to get at that, I can give you each some tips later on if you need. If you can find a discontented priest that might be convinced to get us access to some consecrated ground, all the better. Now, Éliane—"[/color] He turned to face the most outwardly discontent member of the group. [color=#b3ccff]"In case things fall apart and we [i]do[/i] have to fall back on removing them all, I need you to try to find somebody in town. Darri Anquetil, tall, Faye, dark haired, he was in your class if you remember him at all. The last I knew he was assigned to run a storefront here. I'd originally planned to hunt him down myself and have him funnel my report back home, but I need whatever information he has on who all the major players in local politics are, who can be pulled in to replace a Grovemaster or three if needed, anything useful to this. If you find him—"[/color] Esben paused, his brow furrowing for a moment. [color=#b3ccff]"Or if [i]he[/i] finds [i]you,[/i] ask him...ask him if he knows anywhere to find good rabbit in the city. He'll know it's me asking for help if you say that. Can you do that for us?"[/color]