[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250318/ec91975a6f0adcead43b7f5c639c1141.png[/img][/center] [right][sup]Direct Mentions: [@Quest Abandoner][/sup][/right][hr] As Antonius readjusted his gear he heard the Bosmer speak to him. A little chuckle escaped his lips as she mentioned how Y'ffre enjoyed the unexpected detours that life loved to throw at people. [color=seagreen][b]"I suppose one must also learn to love it, but I'm not quite sure I can enjoy this turn."[/b][/color] He looked at the Emperor for a moment, a feeling of unease gripping him. Something bad was happening right now, that was for certain. He only hoped that the Blades and even this group of misfits could protect the Emperor from whoever was after him. The wood elf continued to speak, describing... Some kind of beast. Minotaurs, maybe? He hadn't had the displeasure of running into one in his travels. But no, minotaurs are territorial and dangerous beasts, nothing like what she's describing. He kept racking his mind trying to figure out what creatures she had seen when it hit him: cows. She was talking about cows. [color=seagreen][b]"... Those are farm animals."[/b][/color]