[@LC] Once again, looking great! Whenever you and [@Skwint] come to a resolution, I'll dm you the extra stuff :respek (the .308 revolver genuinely made me laugh out loud) [@Theyra] Not too late at all! Arya and LC are the only two with solidified spots at the moment as they were directly invited. Feel free to fill out for a spot or if you'd like, go for an alternative role. Here are some alternatives to choose from, or we can work together to create a role closest to what you're already interested in. [Hider=Alternative Roles] Cargo Officer - Manages the ship’s supplies and cargo, ensuring everything needed for the mission is stocked and accounted for. Overseeing food, fuel, weapons, and other supplies; ensuring proper storage and distribution; keeping track of inventory and ship’s needs. (Also advisory to the Captain if any trades were to happen with other vessels) Cybernetic Specialist - Responsible for maintaining and upgrading any cybernetic enhancements or augmentations on the crew. Assisting in medical procedures for cybernetic implants, upgrading or fixing cybernetic devices, ensuring systems are fully functional. (So while the engineer is the tech-savy for the ship, this role is tech-savy more for personal equipment. Works closest with Science Officer and Secruity Officer in maintaining quality of weaponry aboard) Chef/Cook - Responsible for preparing meals and ensuring the crew’s nutritional needs are met during long space missions. Cooking meals, maintaining food supplies, preparing for exotic alien ingredients (This is really the 'for fun' role of the game, because who doesn't love a chef). Other responsibilities may include discovering different ways to grow crops within space (they would have their own garden) and finding edible food on other planets.[/hider]