[center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/5L5QWyP/triskelebluewwolvescirclesmoler.png[/img][/url][url=https://ibb.co/fvMHz65][img]https://i.ibb.co/k1KXsbf/caddachthraigyr.png[/img][/url] [color=steelblue][b]"Well, this day just keeps getting better and better..."[/b][/color][/center][right][sup]Direct Mentions: [@Quest Abandoner][@Simple Unicycle][@LC][/sup][/right][hr][hr] Allowing himself a snort as the Khajiit made his opinions on the state of the tunnels known, Caddach nonetheless kept his mouth shut as he walked, giving the Emperor and his Blades a respectably wide berth, opting instead to watch the flanks. Knowing full well that Kiffar still stood far, [b]far[/b] above his station in their ramshackle band of misfits, even 'Unbound' as he was... and also that Elara Renault of the Blades didn't appreciate his presence at the best of times, so now was hardly the time to rock the boat by cracking a joke. What with the Emperor present, assassins on their asses and the Imperial Prison behind them under active attack by lunatics in funny robes and spooky armour, and all that. ...Well, maybe the lad could allow himself just a [i]bit[/i] of humor, as long as it was helpful. [color=steelblue]<"Places like this— beneath the Imperial City and it's surrounding islands— have been built up and over, layer by layer since the days of the Ayleids and the Alessian Empire, friend.">[/color] Caddach explained in Ta'agra so that maybe Renault wouldn't give him the business about it, his accent and dialect more akin to what you'd find among Khajiit growing up in the Imperial City markets than anything out of Elsweyr. [color=steelblue]<"And if these tunnels connect to what's beneath the main island itself? You could get lost down here for [i]months[/i] and never see the light of day even once... if something very old and very [i]angry[/i] doesn't get ya first. You'd need a small army of us 'clean-makers' to scrub it properly, and a whole lotta soldiers to watch our backs.">[/color] Turning his head to face the Cathay-Raht, he then adds with a little shrug; [color=steelblue]<"...And having that many eyes down here kinda defeats the point of having a secret tunnel, dunnit?">[/color] Carrying on ahead before Renault could scold him for talking too much, Caddach allowed his hand to rest on the hilt of the sword Glenroy had managed to get for him— standard legion issue, good steel but nothing extravagant— feeling the familiar weight of a weapon on his belt with just a tiny hint of resigned incredulity. Growing up as he did, in a Breton family of such strong Knightly tradition, he was no stranger to weapons, despite his best efforts. It was... almost [i]hilarious[/i] at this point how, try as he might to do literally [i]anything else in life—[/i] joining the Arcane University, becoming a groundskeeper at the palace— the lad always somehow wound up with a fucking [i]sword[/i] in his hand. Even before today, when the Palace Guards and the occasional Noble would hear his surname and ask to spar when he was off-duty. So Caddach was... [i]confident[/i] he could defend himself at least if those robed bastards caught up with them and was more than willing to throw down if it kept the Emperor safe, but, well... there [i]was[/i] just a bit of trepidation there in the back of his mind; As comfortable as he was holding a blade, Caddach had never actually [i]killed[/i] another person before. And with the way his day was going, that was likely going to be something he'd have to deal with in the very uncomfortably immediate future. Frowning a little and shaking his head a bit to clear that unpleasant dread from his mind, our lad Caddach instead allowed himself to be distracted by the exchange between the Imperial and the wild Bosmer, pulling his lips up into a little smirk as the smaller figure expressed her confusion about what sounded an awful lot like [i]cows.[/i] Before turning his head slightly towards the Imperial and calmly interjecting; [color=steelblue]"I... don't think they [i]have[/i] farms where she's from, mate."[/color] He said with a slight shake of his head, before facing the Bosmer and adding. [color=steelblue]"The creatures you speak of are not... 'prey' as you'd know them; We raise them ourselves for their meat, hides and milk. But we take care of them, so they tend not to fear us, more often than not."[/color] Cocking his head to the side slightly and taking a step closer, he fixed the Bosmer with a curious gaze before continuing; [color=steelblue]"And I mean no offense by it, but I'm curious... how did someone who follows the Green Pact so strictly wind up here, anyway?"[/color] He asks, his brow raising slightly. [color=steelblue]"Those like yourself usually don't bother coming to Cyrodiil, Never mind the Imperial City."[/color]