[center][b]Cease Fire[/b][/center] --- The fight was going well so far. The Templar Order and Rheinfeld Republic fight side-by-side well. With the assistance of the Templar, Alida and two of her soldiers manage to force the betrayers away from the staircase, enabling some of the men to file up towards the archers even as Alhavaryis and Lother approach closer unnoticed. Below, Taigyn leads his own mixed force up against the approaching Papacy squad. Taigyn himself manages to fell two of the mercenaries as those following him spread out in an attempt to surround them. It would seem, in the chaos of everything, the archers have completely forgotten about the small woman, Draza... In fact, they were beginning to grow panicked at the furious roaring and stamping of an ogre going into a rampage and the approaching fighters. With a great shout, and seeing red at the obvious attacks directed at the sprite, Gahrul manages to find the strength in him to lift up the great round disk of stone table... before sending it flying at the archers. Their screams are drowned out as the table crashes through a support beam, through the upstairs balcony, and straight out the wall of the church. The battle seems to fall silent as everyone lets out a shout of terror and tries to get away from the cracking and crumbling area. The flying wood shrapnel hits Alhavaryis in the thigh, sending him to the ground. Lothar, still shocked by the archers being crushed between wall and stone table, had stopped just short of the area and remained safe. Drawn out of it by Alhavaryis' shout of pain, he suddenly becomes aware of the danger. Leaping forward, shield raised, he managed to protect the man from some of the rubble. The additional weight on the weakened balcony, however, begins to break the wood and sends them falling down to the first floor of the church. Parts of the cathedral come crashing in. Many of the guard who had made it to the top floor had no chance but to try and leap from from the balcony to try and escape the crashing rocks. Many do not make it in time as they are buried in rubble. Those who did suffered injury of various severity. Alida herself lands bad, throwing a shield over her her head to stop crashing rubble from hitting her. Her arm makes a sickening noise as a large chunk of stone hits her shield. She looses a pained yelp, but she was still alive. Hans, her second, fairs slightly better, but is knocked out from a blow to the head. Those fighting below had some better luck. The papacy managed to get away alive save for the loss of one more, leaving just the leader and 2 injured fighters alive. Taigyn gets clear, a little scuffed but fine. Davian fairs the same, managing to get a few Templar clear... The ones with Taigyn, however, were lost save 2... Sisera, though... Sisera lets out an extremely pained scream, leg caught and crushed in rubble, flesh riddled with scratches from splintered wood and rock. Gahrul was mostly unaffected, huffing and looking around wildly as he bellows, “None hurt Draza!” Ironic, though, as she sprite had been struck with a splinter of wood that got past Gahrul's great mass. Her small arm is limp at her side, a long piece of the balcony protruding from her small shoulder. In all likeliness, she would be fine if she could see a medic to get it removed. If they could recollect themselves, in the chaos of the collapse, the Queens' Blades would have a good chance to strike the papacy's men. RESULTS-- Injured, Draza (Arm, moderate), Alhavaryis (Leg, moderate), Lothar (general, minor), Alida (severe, broken arm), Sisera (severe, broken leg), Hans (moderate, unconscious) Alive Enemies, 2 Injured Papacy fighters, Uninjured Papacy boss Alive NPCs, Injured Alida, Unconscious Hans, Davian, Taigyn, 4 Injured Templar, 2 Uninjured Templar, 2 Unconscious Republic, 4 Injured Republic