The character is interesting and has some great potential as an opponent but these issues need to be addressed. The Tyrant’s Call (High)- Such is the power of the Tyrant that his will can transcend worlds and pull at those who are aligned with his purpose to him in all their glory and splendor. Beings that he pulls from other worlds or even his own at times will always be aligned with him or willing to serve his will when they are summoned. In truth there is an option for the being that is called to refuse the summons and in that case it simply pulls another who is willing in the place of the first. The Tyrant’s own version of the call is much more powerful than that of his daughter and does not require charging to be used at full efficiency. He can also do this in bulk if necessary, calling forth entire armies at times. Further the Tyrant can also summon forth artifacts associated with himself as well as actual living beings. [i][b]How do you “pull” them to you? Also define transcend worlds please. Are these worlds in your home universe? Or are you saying you can command others from across the multiverse to “travel inter-dimensionally” to you. If so how? [/b][/i] [i][b]Define aligned to his purpose. This statement “…will always be aligned with him or willing to serve his will when summoned.” What do you mena by aligned to him[/b][/i] [i][b]Used in bulk to summon an army of minion tier critters that can be done with as your opponent wills I assume. Or are you planning to create a series of individual characters to be summoned and fight for you? [/b][/i] Draconic Dominion (High)- Maev’Sil’Vien is the mother of dragons and her son has inherited her mantle and control over his mother’s creations. Even the most powerful draconic beings find their wills subject to his own. While it is true that it is possible to resist his commands it requires an act of great will to do so and even then the next command he gives would bear the same if not greater weight. This power is especially potent in conjunction with Tyrant’s Call. [i][b]This is a bit over powering the way it is worded. You cannot compel another person’s dragon character to succumb to your will because of your back story. A player character can resist this power no matter what tier they are. Otherwise you are taking away their control.[/b][/i] My Life For You (Intermediate)- Whenever the Tyrant should be wounded and he has a servant within several hundred yards of his position the wound will be automatically diverted from him onto his subject. This does not stop momentum or force from still having impacted him and should something strike with force sufficient to send him flying he would still be sent flying, simply taking none of the damaging effects. For example if he walked through a sheet of high power flames, one of his servants might well burst into flames as the fire simply washes around him instead of burning him. [i][b]Ummm no this needs to be toned down otherwise; you will never be hurt because someone else will take the damage, thus rending a fight with you moot. Everyone in the multiverse is capable of dying. Define the range…what is several hundred yards? 200? 300?[/b][/i] Shadows of Divinity (High)- The Tyrant is the first and only child of Maev’Sil’Vien and with her death her mantle of power was passed on to him. Maev’Sil’Vien was the Goddess of Creation and Destruction, and Light and Dark. Both the light and the dark are capable of working feats of great destruction as well as nurturing in different ways. The Tyrant possesses extreme control over both light and dark, he can conjure light in almost any state necessary from the gentle light to illuminate a room to rays that scorch and burn with pure undiluted power. Similarly his control over the Darkness is also highly potent. [i][b]I don’t understand what extreme control means. Define this power more. So this character has the ability to control light. That’s fine I will allow you to control light, what are the parameters of light in this context.[/b][/i] [i][b]What is darkness? That is such an ambiguous statement, I cannot grasp it. Do you mean shadows? Are shadows part of this darkness? What can this darkness do? Define highly potent.[/b][/i] Divine Body (High)- The Tyrant is a being that is both Lorenvolk the strongest of mortal races upon his home world and a child of she who was the most powerful of the world’s gods. His physical body is difficult to damage even without armor and many blows that would inflict staggering wounds instead barely scratch him. This resilience is at its greatest against physical or mundane weapons as the weapons of mortals are by their nature ineffective against those who are divine. Further his strength is obscene as he can lift many tons with little effort and throw them around. On the inverse however his speed while greater than human is not nearly as inflated as his resilience and sheer physical strength. [i][b]Give a defined static strength rating. If he is bare-chested and an equal tiered opponent hits him, it will do more than scratch him, it will actually hurt him. Reword it to reflect that only lesser tiered opponents have trouble hurting him. [/b][/i] Character Equipment: The blade of Oris’Sion’In (High): The Tyrant gained this blade when the panicked deity dropped it in his haste to escape from the rise of the Mriswring dragons. This sword is supernaturally sharp and capable of adjusting its size and length at the will of the wielder. Should the Tyrant wish it the blade is capable of growing to nearly 30 feet in length or shrinking till it was scarcely a blade at all. Wounds dealt by this weapon cannot be healed unless power equal to the power of the wielder is poured into the effort. [i][b]So you are saying anyone less than a high tier opponent cannot heal this wound?[/b][/i] Other metals, even the magical metal Mriswring part like butter before this blade and weaker beings are simply turned to ash at the slightest cut from it. [i][b]You can cleave through someone else magical armor? That’s a bit much, equal tiered metals will resist the cut, requiring you to put effort into the fight. Define lesser beings. Are these low tier beings? Intermediate tier? If so then you can insta-kill anyone you happen to hit? Again a bit much. [/b][/i] Stronger beings will be afflicted with a rot that slowly saps their strength unless they are healed of it. [i][b]Why are they affected and not given a chance to resist if they can? You need to reword this so it reflects that it can be resisted.[/b][/i] Mriswring Armor (high): The Tyrant’s armor is described visually above. Due to advances and the nature of Mriswring a series of interlaced rods within the armor allow for him to draw upon the magic of leylines or any magic that his armor absorbs and use it to enhance his own physical attributes such as strength. Further this system also makes the entirety of the body a suitable point for magical discharges. Like all Mriswring his armor is most effective against magic as the magic is simply absorbed and then used to increase his own power as he sees fit. It is possible to overwhelm the defense that his armor offers with suitable charged attacks. [i][b]You say it enhances the physical strength and other attributes. How so? [/b][/i] [i][b]You say this simply absorbs magic and adds to your own. Does this mean that you are able to absorb and negate any magical attack directed at you? If that is the case then this needs to be reevaluated to not be an absolute. Negating another person’s attack this way is a subtle form of dismissing their actions/attacks. [/b][/i] The Spear of Durhz (Intermediate): The Tyrant gained this weapon when he slew the necromancer known as Morgarath and took it as a prize. The spear of Durhz is an ancient reddish brown shard of metal that is known for being nigh indestructible. But its true power is an ability to conjure up the shades of the dead and for the fact that any soul that is slain by this weapon is imprisoned within it rather than escaping to afterlife, ect. The shades conjured by this spear count as minions if used. [i][b]So you can summon an army from anywhere (see my prior notes) and can also summon an army of undead? If these are absolute zero-tier minions and have no leader type then it is acceptable as they can be handled by the opponent at their leisure. [/b][/i]