[b]Name:[/b] Samuel the Lion God [b]Age:[/b] What is time, lol. Dude's old as balls. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. 100 percent dude. [b]Race:[/b] Lion God. A god of all things lions. [b]Random descriptors:[/b] Very large. Heavy. Smells of bread. Constantly baking bread. The best of bread. [b]Character Tier:[/b] High Five [b]Character Type:[/b] Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant [b]Physical Description:[/b] Standing at eight foot five, Samuel is a very imposing presence on or off of the battlefield. He is a very dense man, weighing in at about 6 tons. As a god of all things lion, he is in fact, a lion person. Imagine Simba, but also a person. He wears armor, the kind you find in a JRPG, with exactly ONE shoulder pauldron, no more, no less, because why would you need more than one piece of protective wear? Ah, you know what, have a picture. [img]http://i.imgur.com/0aqWZ12.jpg[/img] Its the one on the right, if you couldn't tell. As a participant, Samuel wears a couple of absolutely indestructible, enormously dense metal bindings of his own construction that he pours excess power into to make it a bit more fair. Imagine giant metal cuffs on his wrists, and a chrome crown. Pretty fucking cool, if you ask me. [b]Personality Description:[/b] Sam's a pretty chill dude. There's really no reason to get upset about things when you're an all powerful fothermucker who don't need NO man. He tried the whole "Douchebag god" schtick for a couple years. Totally boring. He's a total paladin who always does the right thing. Hahha yeah right. Absolutely Chaotic Good. He does the right thing, when he wants to, which is admittedly most of the time, but if he doesn't feel like it, he won't, and there ain't a damn thing that can make him. [b]Skills, Abilities, and Powers:[/b] [hider=Less than Real Talk] Samuel is the sole possessor of Lion Energy, making him more powerful than you. Thats it. That's his power. Being stronger than you.[/hider] [Hider=Real Talk] [b]Lion Energy Manipulation:[/b] An energy exuded by, created by, and limited only to Samuel, it is an energy source that is unlike any other. The closest parallel in any universe is the hyper dense plasma in the core of a star. Incredibly hot, maleable, and can be pumped from every pore in his body in a thought. He draws from a finite pool of this energy, it regenerates daily, and is in mass quantities. Usually he wouldn't run out, but with his bindings it runs out after strenous usage. Such as a prolonged battle with someone of equal tier. Lion energy can be used in many ways, but is primarily an explosive force. Depending on the concentration of the energy it can range from 1 gram to 1000 tons of tnt equivalent force. It takes a little bit of time to build up the more powerful blasts. The average blast is about 10 lbs of TNT equivalent, and that's one shot. It increases with the amount of focus he puts into it. It also decreases with his amount of focus. Smaller blasts do in fact take more time than larger blasts. This is due to the immensity of his natural raw power. [b]Hyper Density:[/b] Samuel's body is ridiculously dense, as a compression of every single being that is his body it is actually lower than one would physically assume. The density of his body is due to his creation in a gravitation pull equivalent to that of a black hole. However, most of his weight was blown off in his creation as pure energy. Now his body weighs six tons total and his "biology" matches it. The density of his bones and skin are the most impressive, his bones can withstand, individually, the force of a fully loaded train crashing into them. His skin is effectively bulletproof, cut resistant, stab resistant, and heat resistant. However, with his bindings, these resistances are greatly reduced. A finely sharpened blade will cut through with relative ease. Each of his hands and feet are around 200 lbs, and he can swing them just as well as a normal human could. Now, he can swing them at the speed of a professional boxer, with that much weight. All that weight, and speed combined slamming into your face would knock out pretty much anyone. And by knock out, I mean, literally rip the head off of normal humans with ease. Sam will literally knock your block off. His muscles are impressive as well, able to toss around this weight like it were nothing. He can move as naturally as any being can with this much weight, as though he were born with it. Which he was. So with this kind of muscle density he can easily toss around mack trucks with little to no effort on his part. Imagine Mr. Incredible exercising with freight trains, and you have a good idea of just how strong he is. [b]Flight:[/b]By pushing away from the ground with lion energy he can fly, this creates much smaller explosions on a subatomic level. These mini-explosions create enough lift to raise this heavy fothermucker into the air. He can glide about at speeds up to 50 mph, at top speed he's at around 120 mph. He cannot fire energy in the air, as he would have to break focus from his flight.[/hider] [b]Character Equipment:[/b] Limiter bands on his forearms and head, created by him for him, to limit his own power to play nice with the lesser beings of the universe(s). Only problem with these limiter bands, is that once he puts them on, he cannot take them off. At least for a few hundred years. Until he can focus enough energy to destroy them. Each of them weighs almost nothing, and they float just above his skin. Connected solely by energy flow. They cannot and will not be removed, unless you want to get your shit stomped. Because he is still a god, never forget that bit. [b]Character History:[/b] In space, several hundred warriors stood on a battlefield. Commanded by the psychic king of their people to watch for any signs of lion. The air soon filled itself with the smell of bread and cat hair as an enormous rift tore itself in the very space above their planet. From this gargantuan space crack poured a literal trillion lions, enough lion to form not one, but two earth sized bodies in space. Literally everyone in that situation died, not even joking, they're really dead. But the two earths worth of lions crashed together and somehow a blackhole got into the mix and crushed literally every lion there into one entity. Exploding out the rest of the material to create a gargantuan lion head universe. At least 150,000 times the size of your average universe. In the center of this new universe the lion god Samuel was born. And since then he has dicked around in cosmic...Stuff. For the past few million or so years. Recently he has taken a liking to the internet, and it shows. Effectively making him the largest lolcat in history.