As a side note, I'm leaving for a 5 day trip tomorrow on which I probably won't be able to post. Sorry about that. :( But I'll be back asap. [b]Name:[/b] Glandivalis “Val” Ruarc [b]Race:[/b] Human (Elf-Blooded) [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Faction Loyalty:[/b] The Chantry (currently) Circle of Magi (formerly) [b]Appearance:[/b] Val is by all means human, but bears some subtle evlish traits because of her parentage. Her ears are slightly pointed, her eyes are quite large, and she is very thin and lithe. Her skin is lightly tanned, her eyes are a dark brown, and her hair is jet black; usually cut neck long and stylishly unkempt. She has no other distinguishable markings, not that are readily visible, anyway. [b]Class:[/b] Mage (Spirit Healer) [b]Class Description:[/b] Val was taught in the Circle Tower before its destruction, and studied the school of spirit. This, accompanied with her uncanny ability to traverse the Fade, led to her becoming accustomed to many benevolent Fade Spirits, who are ready to lend her their energy for use in restorative spells on herself and her allies. [b]Weapons:[/b] A rudimentary magic staff, given to Val upon completing the Harrowing; the initiating ritual for mages in the Circle Tower. It is fashioned from oak wood. [b]Armor:[/b] Val wears a set of Imperial Chantry robes, given to her by her father, a former Father in the Imperial Chantry. The tunic is red and the outer robe black, with a black belt around the waist. [b]Special Skills:[/b] Dreamer Val is an incredibly rare individual capable of entering the Fade at will, without the use of lyrium. This makes her exceptionally dangerous as she can enter the dreams of others (and to some extent, control them), and is highly susceptible to Fade spirits and demons. [b]Personality:[/b] Val is a curious and studious soul, with a love for learning and reading. She tends to be quiet and introverted, but comes alive when talking about or using magic, the Fade, dreams, or spirits. She has a vibrant passion for mystical things, but can appear disinterested in anything else. [b]Biography:[/b] Val was born in the Tevinter Imperium, the child of a Revered Father (for the Imperium allows male priests) and a Liberati Elf. The Liberati are a social class of freed slaves, and Lathabel, Val’s mother, had found favor in the eyes of her master’s wife, and was set free. Val’s father, Josephus, was smitten from the moment he met Lathabel, and didn’t care about social castes enough to refrain from marrying her. The pair enjoyed life together for a year before conceiving a child; the father suggested the name Glandivalis, which is the name of the weapon of Thane Shartan; in honor of said elf who marched for freedom alongside Andraste, and made it possible for his wife, an elf, to be free. Unfortunately, their happiness would not last. Within the first few years, the couple realized their child was exhibiting magical abilities. This caused an immense strain on the usually clear lines of social status in Tevinter. A Soporati father marries a Liberati elf and has a mage child, but could an elf-blooded child of an ex-slave really be allowed become a Laetan? The family was looked on with disgrace and even hatred by some upstanding members of Imperial society. Amidst the turmoil and many court hearings to settle the matter, things took a turn for the worst. The child entered her parents’ dreams one night, without any experience or aid of lyrium. Fearing the outrage that would ensue, and fearing the child would be taken to be studied (or worse, weaponized) Lathabel and Josephus fled the Imperium. They fled through the Free Marches, where they stayed for a time, before crossing the Waking Sea into Ferelden. There they settled in Elmride, in the arling of West Hills. Val was sent to the Circle Tower to be raised and taught, but not without frequent visits from her parents, who traveled there to give sermons in the Tower’s chapel. Because of this, Val grew up with Loyalist ideals, and was one of few mages in the Tower who supported both the Circle and the Chantry. In the Tower, her talents flourished. She overcame her harrowing with ease, already having been accustomed to traversing the Fade. It was there, during her harrowing, that she first encountered Vigor, a benevolent Fade Spirit that taught her how to use spirit energy to become a healer. Val gave herself to study the school of spirit and the ways of the spirit healer. And this was perhaps the reason she was sought out. A pair of Grey Wardens came to the Circle Tower that fateful day; whether it was chance or destiny or they simply sensed the coming attack, Val didn’t know. What she did know was that when she learned they were looking for aid, she put her abilities on full display, coming into the wardens’ dreams that night as they slept in the guest quarters. The following day, however, her abilities were put to the real test as a horde of darkspawn burst up from beneath the Tower. Val did her best to keep the mages alive, but the archdemon itself tore at the Tower walls, and many died all around her. She had taken life in the Circle for granted for so long, that as her world came crumbling to dust around her, she just froze with shock. One of the wardens took her by the hand and led her to freedom, tossing her into Lake Calenhad to swim to safety. On the shores of the lake, they gave her the choice: Join them, and take revenge against the creatures as a warden, or brave the world on her own. It wasn’t much of a choice.