Maria was sitting at the foot of her bed playing with the shadows that draped her room in darkness. Hugo was perched on the end of her bed head, his feathery head folded under his wings as he roosted, his golden gaze hidden from view. he flickered and faded now and again as the shadows he came from shifted inside of him like black smoke confined in a glass Jar Maria was kneeling on the floor so rounded by her collection of stuffed rabbits and bears of all shapes and sizes. all made with similar materials, Black or gray fuzz with two black buttons sown on for eyes; usually different sizes as well. the particular bunny she held was no bigger than a cat and it had a pair of tailor sizzors pronouncing form a rather nasty gash in its back. white stuffing poufing out like an open wound. but Maria clutched it to her chest with a grin on her face, slightly swaying as she sang to fill the silence that had settled like an uneasy fog. ~ Mmmmm ~ ~ the first Alice went walking through, the woods of wonderland. Bravery with her fearsome sword, Clutched in her favorite hand. She cut down creatures in the way of her unyielding wrath. leaving carnlige in her wake, by red and blooded path,~ ~The first Alice strays too far, too deep with in the wood, it marked her as a sinner, and looked her in there for good. much like the gruesome path that marked her rendering heart. her life remains a mystery until this very day.... she fished as Cel walked into her room. glowing ohra about her figure.