George smiled and laughed. Magic really was something new to all people like Sadie. He knew they had stories, nursery rhymes; even he did. 
"He's in Ravenclaw. First of my entire family.." He awkwardly shifted in his seat and pulled up his next card. "He's in his fourth year too, they probably know each other. Does your brother play Quidditch?" He realised soon after Sadie probably didn't know what Quidditch was. It wasn't like he knew any muggle sports to compare it to either. Regardless, he found it unlikely that she'd know. "It's fun. You'll probably enjoy it." Turning over a single goblin, he looked over the card and his almost hateful stare. The card was a little damaged due to use, something which seemed to have bothered the goblin in the picture. "It's pretty violent at times, or at least the professional stuff is." He'd never seen Hogwarts Quidditch before. 

Outside the carriage, the countryside sped by. The world outside a blur, yet in the distance, the muggle city of Luton spat grey and brown onto the horizon. George's geography wasn't the best. He could see a town he did know though, located some miles to their left. 
"You see that town there?" George pointed to the small blot on their left. "That's Ilkley. Its completely inhabited by wizards. There isn't a muggle in the entire town." The blonde dropped back into his seat and sighed. It was an awkward moment before he finally dropped his goblin Ace onto the table. Much like a lot of the cards, its suit was often difficult to tell. The goblin adjusted his jacket and brandished his own spades patch on both of his pockets. Perhaps it wasn't his day, before George could even notice, the compartment door slid open and a tall, thin student, already dressed in the black, blue and silver robes he'd been chosen to wear the same day four years ago, stepped inside. 

"Fane packed my study books in with your stupid Duelling magazines again." Theodore stepped up onto the seat, ignoring both his brother and Sadie until he yanked the heavy leather trunk down onto the seats. He looked between the two of them and his brain ticked quickly. "Theo." He introduced, offering his hand out to Sadie. She wasn't freaking out about either of them... She seemed the same age as his brother... The simple fact she was almost buzzing in her seat. Muggleborn. He smiled a little and pulled his hand away.

"Yeah, this is-"

"I'm his brother. Your cards are smoking too much, best play faster. I don't expect them to have much game time left." The taller brunette yanked the trunk open and hunted around for a thickly bound, leather and ivory book from the bottom of George's trunk. He slammed the whole this shut and pulled out a wand that seemed almost too well cared for. He looked both ways before swishing his wand to lift the trunk up to a height he could manage. With both feet on the seats again, Theo pushed the trunk up onto the racking and dropped back down. It was something the boys did share in common that seemed to show. They both equally pushed strength over magical talent. Theo preferred to use his own body to move objects than rely solely on magic. George on the other hand, who currently knew very little on the subject, would, over time, prefer the strength of his own mind to push his magic to greater levels and more powerful standards. 
"Mum needs to sort Fane out." Theo sighed before picking his book up and moving towards the compartment door.