Oh, hey! I wasn't expecting to actually get replies on this, so bear with me h ere --- [quote=Willow]What kind of roleplays are you looking for?[/quote] Well, honestly, that depends. Long term is my favorite type - I'm here to RP mainly for the story, not really just 'hitting it' and 'quitting it.' My only requirement is that we've got some ounce of storytelling/long-term-y-ness...In there...Yeah. ;u; [quote=WeepingLiberty (Jade)] Welcome to our corner of the inner webs.[/quote] Hey, I know you from somewhere! Yeah, you's da'...da'...Da' guardian angel gurl! All jokes aside, thank you for the welcome, and no, I'm actually somewhere in Arizona right now. [Quote=Everybody on this darn thread but me] Welcome![/quote] Thank you all! I appreciate your sense of community, I hope we have some great times together!