[center][i]"Have mercy on the unfortunate, and halt the spread of darkness."[/i] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/kOZwUB3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/k03xh0R.png[/IMG][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Mercedes Kane [b]Aliases/Nicknames:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] [b]Origin:[/b] Denius [indent][i]A gothic-horror universe overseen by the omnipresent might that is the Church of Denius. While extensive and important to its people, the flow of darkness and evil is powerful throughout the world. Dark horrors and monstrosities lurk in every corner, and the Order of Necessarius seeks to eliminate these threats from the peace of innocent lives.[/i][/indent] [b]Height:[/b] 5'8" [b]Weight:[/b] 138 lbs [b]Family:[/b] Abandoned [b]Occupation:[/b] Necessarius Slayer-Apprentice [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good [b]Personality:[/b] Sympathetic, careful, unwavering [indent][i]Mercedes is the type of individual who would carry a dangerous spider outside rather than simply quash it for fear of being bitten. Despite her considerate attitude to all life, she displays an innate hatred for those creatures of the night that squander the image of the misunderstood; the so-called evil that Necessarius hunts in part due to their actions. Whereas Mercedes debates killing her quarry, the Church takes little time to consider their fate. Do not think, however, that Mercedes is incapable of annihilating an individual if it is clear they are blameworthy or inherently evil. She does not rest in hunting down such entities.[/i][/indent] [b]Character Tier:[/b] Low [b]Natural Skills/Abilities:[/b] [i]Agility/Acrobatic Adept[/i]: Through teaching under Necessarius, Mercedes adopted a particularly incredible acrobatic prowess fit to compete with even the most potent of assassins and thieves. Scaling buildings without any special gear, or dodging a single arrow in her sight is but child's play to her agility. [i]Marksman[/i]: With all forms of projectile weaponry (in her world, this would be bows, crossbows, explosive powder projectiles, ballista, slingshots, etc) and thrown weapons such as knives or shuriken. Even blindfolded she could hit her target given enough sound is being made (which is quite little, regardless). [i]Martial Artist[/i]: While not a master, Mercedes is capable of holding her own in any particularly notable fist fight; common street brawls very rarely present any sort of difficulty or danger to her skills. [i]Supernatural Knowledge[/i]: Through studying and experience, Mercedes has become an expert of the supernatural goings-on of her world, such as arcane magic (though she cannot perform it) and the weaknesses of supernatural creatures and their habits. [i]Escape Artist[/i]: On numerous occasions she has had to evade the searches of various entities and individuals, and has put her acrobatics to good use in aiding her escape etiquette. Mercedes is adept at hiding in plain sight, using the environment around her to move around, and setting up before certain events to aid in escaping or helping her cause, whatever it may be. [b]Supernatural Skills/Abilities:[/b] [i]Badass Normal[/i]: Mercedes is devoid of any supernatural qualities, instead relying on what equipment she has and the unbelievable but wholly possible physical abilities she exerts. [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]Necessarius Crossbow[/i]: An advanced crossbow that can fire bolts as fast as 400 feet per second. The design is such that reloading bolts is a relatively easy process, and have been modified to be capable of firing four bolts in quick succession before reloading is even required. The bolts can be tipped with any number of compounds, materials, or substances catering to the elimination of whatever its target is. [i]Cross Dagger[/i]: Bladed knives shaped like crosses, and blessed as such to counter evil. [i]Silver Rapier "Carmine"[/i]: A beautifully designed rapier with an elaborate hilt and guard. 40 inches in length. Blessed to maintain sturdiness no matter what surface it contacts. [i]Grapple Gun[/i]: A technologically advanced device for its time, the grapple gun can pierce many objects and hook itself appropriately to allow for fast escape across divides or to lower positions, as well as to prevent damage from falling as a sort of swinging device. [b]History:[/b] Mercedes Kane was born in a large but remote village in the mountains of Uberwald which had previously become plagued by tales of a vampire lord living in a nearby small castle. While peace remained in the village for a time, it soon turned to paranoia and superstition; people looked for remedies to illnesses they didn't have, to deterrents for creatures they never saw. As paranoia turned to madness, Mercedes was 'offered' as a sacrifice to the supposed vampire lord, and sent of by crazed parents and red-eyed villagers. Arriving at the castle in question and walking slowly inside, she came to find that the menace the entire village was terrified of was simply unwarranted fear of the unknown. The man in the castle, a certain Rogald Tiamat, was a quiet and humble individual. A vampire he was, but terrifying and evil he was not. Where the village was filled with turmoil and madness, Mercedes found solace in Rogald's household, being quite clean, spacious, and above all else, free to explore. Even in the so-called safety of the village, Mercedes found little opportunity amidst the paranoia to venture far into any place but her local neighborhood. The vampire had several family members, all of whom (including he) were reluctant to do any harm to humans. Unlike tales of most vampires she'd heard of, this family in particular expressed a solemn despair for the circumstances; they did not ask to become vampires, and were once humans. "Pride does not come with turning," Rogald once said to her, "It is instilled in you by the one who committed the act." Eventually though, her peace in the castle was disturbed by the village she was sent away from. They were fed up with simply "waiting by as they were disturbed" and decided to act. The village stormed the castle, and feeling no need to defend themselves, the vampire family stayed put and accepted their fate. Rogald left Mercedes with one final statement: "Prevent what has occurred to us, and have mercy on those you are all too late for." Believing her to infected with vampirism as well, Mercedes was attacked as well, though she managed to escape. Fleeing to the greater of civilization in the nation, she became an orphan and was picked up by a certain Father Alder of the Church, who, seeing her hidden ability in escaping an armed mob, offered her a spot as an apprentice under the guidance of Necessarius. Until then she had never heard of such an organization, but understanding its connection to the evil underlying her world, sought to integrate within it. Slow as it might be, the road ahead, Mercedes resolved to try and change the Church's views from inside out. She has since served as Father Alder's apprentice in hunting down dark beings.