Name: Arturo Castiglione

Sex: Male

Age: 19

Appearance: [hider=Click me!][img=][/hider]

Personality: He's confident most of the time, and often kind of a daredevil. However, he can get irritated easily, and is sometimes stubborn or lazy. He is fairly loyal, however, and will do (almost) anything to support you, given that you ask for it. 
Bio: He was born during a rather tense situation in his family, involving a frequently traveling father and a mother who was fed up with it. In the first year of his life, his mother divorced his father and settled down in Chicago, Illinois, on the northwest side. He grew up in considerable normality, but he developed a case of kleptomania, which often got him into trouble. His mother was not particularly angry, but she was irritated when it kept happening. When he grew out of it (maybe it wasn't kleptomania and just mischief), he continued his elementary and high school education.

Relations: Mother, Father (sometimes). None of his high school friends kept in touch and he's not in college yet.

Fears: Caves, flying, and heights. 

Back Ache: Raaaaandomly assigned!