Alright. I'll be making a list on the first post of accepted CS's. WolfsRose your CS for Maas is accepted, however if you wouldn't mind elaborating on how he found the wardens that would be great. LetterE I want to accept yours however there is a detail you need to change for continuity sake. My character was traveling around Ferelden and recruiting people on his own not with a group. And he was the only warden recruiting in Ferelden as, before he gathered the player characters, he sent them all out of the country to serve under his generals. If you want to do the story that way you'll just need to say it was Levine who got you instead of a group of Wardens I said the same thing to MMGiru with his CS. Other than that you're good. We're going to have to make some group decisions about some things (like the Architect as I mentioned) and I'll just put the decisions in hiders on the front post that way everybody can see it as they please. I just say this because I've forgotten to write a few things down and this feels like it's getting disorganized to me. Once we decide on what's happened as a group I can clean up the first post :P.