Ysolda surveyed the situation. She was in a strange land. The air smelled, the earth was dry, the plants were twisted, and even the sky itself seemed to indicate that this world was somehow tainted. On this unknown world, she would need to be ready for anything. Channeling her essence, Ysolda focused on maintaining her health and well being. The energy that she used would cause her body shine brightly for an instant, and dim just as quickly. Known to her as "Body-Mending Meditation", the ability would accelerate her healing should something cause her harm. On a planet that seemed as tainted as the Shadowlands of Creation, one could never be too careful.

The Charm would assist her for the next few hours, at least. Until more substantial measures were needed, it would suffice. Now to the more pressing matter at hand. While the air was thing but safe to breathe, Ysolda had no clue about the flora and fauna. It was time she found some sort of civilization. Not far away, in fact, she saw the silhouette of a small city. [B]"As good a place as any to begin, I suppose."[/B] said the Exalt as she made for the city at a brisk pace. There were creatures that attempted to attack her, small things resembling a dog crossed with a lizard. Each was shot with a blazing arrow of energy that exploded radiantly upon impact. A few of these and the rest of what seemed like a pack of the things... backed off and let her run in peace.

After about two hours of jogging, Ysolda came to the city she had seen. However, she was only met with more confusion. The inhabitants seemed to gather around some large... golem... thing. After a few inquiries, she found that none here could understand the language of her realm. However, it appeared that this the thing stacked the large rocks on top of one another. If that was true, it had at lease a semblance of intelligence. Either that, or it was controlled by a very bored sorcerer. [B]"Oi. Creature."[/B] Ysolda's Caste Mark flared brightly once again. It took but a single mote of energy for her to cause this, and she did so in an attempt to draw attention. This had the unintentional effect of mixed awe and fear among those around her and this colossus. This could be bad, should the people here somehow be associated with the Immaculate Order. But she had not survived for nearly seven centuries by fleeing before potential danger.

[B]"If you can hear or even understand me, I ask you respond somehow. I am a stranger here and know nothing of this place."[/B] Risky, talking to such a large being without knowing if it was friend or foe... but Ysolda could handle herself if things got hairy. [B]"What are you? An elemental? A giant? A golem?"[/B] Question after question bombarded the thing, and Ysolda would continue for some time if she was unanswered. Her curiosity was sparked, and that was rare for one who had seen as much as she had. In this moment she felt like a young girl, curious and hungry for knowledge. However... she was still a living being, and needed both food and water. A few large drops were seen falling from the creature when she first questioned it. Perhaps those would slake her thirst.

[B]"Pardon my intrusion, but I'll take a sip of..."[/B] a single drop fell from the creature, and Ysolda caught it in her hands. This one drop was large enough to fill an average drinking glass, and it splashed in her hands. It was as crisp and cool as any water she had ever seen in Creation, and quenched her thirst as if she had drank an entire lake. The droplets that got on her face and neck from the splash similarly rejuvenated her, as she was cool and refreshed despite her recent long jog. And immediately, she resumed questioning the creature. Some of the other sentient beings tried pulling her away, some seemed angry with her, and others seemed to simply ignore the woman as they walked past and went about their days. 

After a few more minutes, she simply sat on what passed for the creature's shoulder. [B]"You're an interesting one, my silent friend. You have a feeling about you. Not like this place... somehow different, pure. I've lived nearly seven hundred years and never encountered a creature similar. Are you lost here as well?"[/B] She didn't expect an answer, but it was nice to have someone to talk to... even if they didn't talk back. The villagers didn't speak her tongue, the land was blighted, and the sky was scorched... but at least here Ysolda found a small measure of comfort.

(Motes spent: 15 Personal. Time elapsed: Approx. 3 hours. Motes regained: 12. Total Motes remaining: 27/34 Personal, 80/80 Peripheral)