[hider=Hector Esteves] [b]Name[/b]: Hector Esteves [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Birthplace[/b]: Vantus, Valira [b]Current Home[/b]: Sovereign, Gaia [b]Personality:[/b] Hector is an extremely outgoing individual. He has a knack for getting people to like him and it's usually due to his genuinely positive mannerisms. Unlike his brother, he is much more tolerable and views justice as something more complex than killing the bad and saving the good. He often served as a voice of reason for his brother and is usually found in the middle of conflicts which he often resolves using logic and compassion. [b]Bio:[/b] Hector was born in Vantus, the Capitol farmland of Valira, where he was known to be "everybody's" friend. However, he only considered his brother, Victor, and his childhood pal, Ishigo, to be his "real" friends. He was a family oriented boy, and the only reason he left to join the Y.D.A in Sovereign was because his brother told him to. There, he was usually picked on for being a softie, regardless of the fact that he was an exceptional combatant. His sense of unarmed combat was unparalleled, and he is, to this day, the only man to have dropped Victor using nothing but his martial arts skills. Hector took on the duty if Chief's Assistant, serving as a right hand man to his brother. As a result, he was also considered to be a "vice chief" to his fellow golden mercenaries. [b]Appearance[/b]: (written desriptions not preferred, but accepted) (please use a hider for images) [b]Special Traits/Weapons[/b]: (LIST ANY UNIQUE SKILLS LIKE "really agile" OR "really strong" HERE!) (ALSO LIST ANY WEAPONS YOUR CHARACTER USES!) [b]Theme Song[/b]: ----------------------- [b]Kage Type[/b]: Kamikage/Onikage? [b]Kage Name[/b]: [b]Kage Primary Power[/b]: (Not too OP, and you can't use time travel. The stronger the power, the heavier the cost/cooldown/recoil. The more specific, the better) IF YOU NEED HELP THINKING OF A POWER, ASK ME! [b]Kage Secondary Power[/b]: (your primary power must not be too strong in order to have a secondary) IF YOU NEED HELP THINKING OF A POWER, ASK ME! [b]Kage Personality/Description:[/b] (remember, kage's are sentinent beings! If you have a good idea of how you want your kage to be, state it here!) [/hider]