[B]“A long twelve months it has been,”[/B] a voice emanates from the shadows as two glowing embers slowly fade into existence, [B]“...it seems that the time for chaos to reign has come. Oh, but do not fear, there will be plenty of that later. For now feel welcomed, come on in, it'll be [I]fun...[U]trust me.[/U][/I]”[/B] - [B]Szayeis,[/B] [I]Master of the Game and Chimeric Lord of Chaos. The Demonic Lord of the West.[/I] Perhaps he might welcome you into his fold and allow you to become his pawn, after all, [I]order[/I] is overrated, don't you think? Hehe, I'm yoshua171 one of the Veterans of EotW, or Essence as we often call it. I play Szayeis (quoted above) one of the Demonic Lords along with a human enchanter named Vaihrn, a kind angel named Saella, and then there's Mairyell. I welcome anyone who might be interested to come check it out, there's plenty fun to be had, chaos to be wrought, and good to be done. Do feel free to ask me for help if need be, I mean I do [I]happen[/I] to be one of the assistants ^_^ Regardless, to those who join or take a look, welcome to Essence of the World. - - - - - - Well, as an assistant I can tell you that there are likely three-four ways you can catch up on lore. There is the site, which has all the information on angels, demons, the creation of the Essence verse and other pertinent info (as well as the character sheets from Season one). There is also a copy of Season one (or most of it at least) on the home page of the site. Alternatively I do believe that Mikael is going to compile a summary of Season one. I don't know if it'll be quick and dirty, but I do know that Mikael, Celaira, and myself will compile a Tl;dr(too long, didn't read in case you didn't know) version of that summary if it gets too long. You can also ask questions. Hehe. As to worrying about long running RPs and the veterans not wanting to be involved with the newer players, well I'm pretty sure you'll have no problems with that. We're a crazy, wacky, fun and accepting bunch and we've already talked to at least three other new players and are on our way to figuring out different ways to interrelate our characters and spur interactions so no one feels left out....and then there's Mikael :P ^_^