Brilliant. She hasn't even had a drink and already wants to fight me. So much for hooking up. Still, maybe there's a chance that she plays the drums... Even Ray seemed to think I meant some harm by my line of questioning. As if he doesn't know that I don't want to fight a chick. I might be an asshole. But I'm not a fuckin' asshole. I raise my eyebrow at the other male in our group before returning my attention to little miss spunky newcomer. I genuinely sighed then. "Oh, c'mon. I haven't uttered a single threat. I'm just curious. Aren't the rest of you? I mean here we are casting our castes aside with these rooftop meetings, calling ourselves cliqueless, when the school is suddenly invaded by a..." I look into the new girls eyes, mirroring her own intensity as I describe her. " ferocious fox full of luciferean defiance..." I then looked back at the others, each in turn, as I expressed what I thought was the most logical idea. "If we really wanna help the vixen cause a bit of chaos, we should help her flaunt the aspects of her personality that will disgust our own groups so much that they'll choose to porpusefully exclude her. Or at least give her a few pointers on it. Y'know? If she can be utterly unappealing to each of our groups, none of them will want her anymore and she can go about her days completely and utterly..." Always pause for dramatic effect. It helps to drive your point home. "Cliqueless."