[quote=yoshua171] and then there's Mikael :P ^_^ [/quote] ^///^ ... stawwp it, Yosh! Gawd... Hello Krauxis! Welcome... I'm glad you're interested. I haven't written an Int Chk in forever and, boy, I didn't expect a response so soon! Anyway... Yosh's pretty much wrapped it up for me. Thanks mate. Um... let's seee. Yes I will be attempting to compile a summary on Season 1's events, though I should add that you will not be at too much of a disadvantage if you ignore most of Season 1. You'd just be missing out on awesome reads~ and... interesting tidbits about veteran characters. But see, when RPG went down, we lost a lot of our stuff... but our former GM (Wind Wild) managed to collect our story in Google Cache (if I understand this right)... Here is the link to how we finished Season 1. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/1225/posts/ic?page=1#post-20298]Link[/url] It's only 30 posts and is practically a summary itself! (lol jk.. but you should get a good impression on most of our characters, events, and lore). In short, you don't have to feel too pressured into understanding Essence of the World and its mechanics, we're mostly here to just have fun, joke around, and put out a good story. We also talk on skype as it's easier to communicate that way, but you don't [i]have[/i] to do that. It's just there, in case, you know. Hope to see you Krauxis. =) [i]Until the Next[/i]