We-hoo~! It lives! >w< *hugs everyone who made this happen* *ahem* To the new people interested. :) You really don't have to read Season one to join. Not only because it will take you a year to read it, but also because the world as it was back then is pretty much ruined. The major rules still apply and those will be specified in the OOC where you'll find all you need to know to function properly in this universe. As for jumping in, there's a reason why a new Interest Check is opening and accepting new people. The world is pretty vast and allows for a lot of characters and plots to go on at the same time and we all want to see some fresh blood flowing into it. Many of the characters will be very open to all kinds of interactions and I think weaving new people in will happen very easy and naturally. If anything, the setting in Omnity and characters like Ioi (Mikael), Szayeis (yoshua171), Zi (me) and probably a few others, will, I believe, actively work toward trying to recruit people to their ranks. Me, personally, have no set plan of action and will adapt my actions to the plot's needs. Basically, what I'm saying is, we'd love to have you on board and will make sure you don't feel excluded or isolated from the others. Essence Season 1 didn't even follow a main plot so we're veterans in improvisation as well. :} So join us! =D