[hider=Appearance][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/TvDWHKi.png[/IMG][/hider] *Note: ignore get-up. [b]Name:[/b] Eshna Kumar [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Caucasian/Bengali [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Homeland:[/b] India [b]History:[/b] Eshna grew up a relatively normal life in the US state of Washington, living singularly with her father. Besides her obscene strength compared to her peers, she led a consistent and inconspicuous way of living all throughout her public education. When Eshna's father motioned to move back to India to live with his elderly parents, she felt a sense of obligation to follow and aid him along the way. For 4 years, she stayed within the States and attended a university before moving to India to enroll in medical school. Once again her life proved relatively unassuming and normal. She made her way through medical school with ease, proving to be adept in her studies and application of her teachings. To retain time to herself, she initially sought to switch to a nursing career, but her family urged her to keep along the path towards becoming a doctor as she had initially dreamed of. Before reaching such far away achievements however, Eshna was visited by the pair of crows Hugin and Munin. As much as she tried to shrug off the strange occurrence, she unavoidably found herself travelling back to the US and for California. [b]Parent Gender:[/b] Female (Hel? :D) [b]Heroic Role:[/b] Medical Tank [u][b]Attributes:[/b][/u] [P1][b]Strength:[/b] [P3][b]Dexterity:[/b] [P1][b]Stamina:[/b] [P2][b]Charisma:[/b] [P3][b]Manipulation:[/b] [P2][b]Appearance:[/b] [P2][b]Perception:[/b] [P1][b]Intelligence:[/b] [P2][b]Quickness:[/b] [u][b]Divine Purviews:[/b][/u] [b]Primary:[/b] Health [b]Secondary:[/b] Guardian, Fire [b]Tertiary:[/b] Death, Fertility [u][b]Trainings:[/b][/u] [P3][b]Art:[/b] [P2][b]Battle:[/b] [P2][b]Conversation:[/b] [P2][b]Drive:[/b] [P1][b]Endure:[/b] [P1][b]Heal:[/b] [P3][b]Investigate:[/b] [b]Larceny:[/b] [b]Military:[/b] [P2][b]Politics:[/b] [P1][b]Research:[/b] [b]Sniper:[/b] [P3][b]Wilds:[/b] [b]Jotunblut?[/b] Yes [b]Romance:[/b] I'm down. [b]Play Style:[/b] I prefer a mix of everything. [b]Signature:[/b] Asuras