Now it was my turn to raise the eyebrows. I did so, but being a bit uncoordinated the corners of my mouth curled upwards as well. Had I mirror I probably looked like someone doing a really poor impression of the comedy mask. My faux-incredulity was leveled at our resident duke of darkness and depression himself; a brief glance towards his general direction and then back to looking anywhere but at someone. The new girl had a name, Hanna. I wonder if she knows the etymology behind it; not that I'm saying people should follow what their names mean, hell my name means 'God's Promise' so how the hell does that work. I just find it ironic, internally, that for someone with a name meaning 'gracious' that as of yet she's been anything but. Especially if she has some sort of intention of hanging around up here. But then again, other than Alena and now Ray in his own way, none of us have been particularly inviting. I have an excuse. I was studying at the time. "I don't remember anyone saying anything about chaos." I speak, Jake's choice of words still swirling around inside my head, "And as far as flaunting goes, seems she's already got enough personality to 'disgust' people without our input. She said she is going to be unique, which means any input you or anyone might have seems a tad counter-intuitive. Unless, of course, you're using the royal we and meant that you want to help her because you have a thing for, what was it you said, oh, right, vixens, well then I'd understand." That probably came off as a bit catty and rude. That tends to happen when I'm just putting words to my thoughts. I was only mostly serious anyway. I put the cap on my salad carrying tray before tossing it into my backpack, followed by my anatomy textbook. With a small grunt indicating movement, I got to my feet, brushing off dirt from my jeans. "Here's an idea, let's not assume the worst about Hanna and assume she's going to run down the stairs shouting about this place like she was warning people about the British arriving. Yeah, yeah, the five of us really like this place, but unless you're all assuming she's lying about wanting to be unique, there's no reason to deny her entry. We're not North Korea." I'm never making political metaphors again.