So, we currently have: Dred the party leader and human warrior; MM the dwarven scout; E the half-elf mage; the Qunari warrior; and a Qunari mage. Kind of diverse in skills and races, so it seems fine. I like the idea of the Architect's followers being let go by The Grey Warden, and later being hunted down and killed by other Wardens once s/he's gone, so that their numbers are lowered and the Architect has to replenish the numbers some other time, possibly during this blight, since there will be a surplus of Grey Knight corpses. --- Regardless, I think it would be interesting to see how Maas and Isala act, since most Tal-Vashoth treat Saarebas the same way Qunari do. And [i]if[/i] he approved of the half-elf mage, it would only be because the Wardens would be like her Arvaraad, whereas Isala's Arvaraad was killed. Will make for good first impressions, especially when Isala comes stumbling out of the Korcari Wilds and into Ostagar.