Mika, I don't think Michiel is joining so that's one man down. xD And with so many players are we going to wait for each to take their turn or continue the anarchy from before? (It might be a bit of a problem for a player to only write once every 8-16 weeks, if you know what I mean.) Oh, Crabmeat, I think you'll find the wold and players in Essence complicated and diverse enough to make you bash your head against the wall more than once in vain attempts to free up enough space on your hardware to comprehend it all. xD I know we all had those moments but we've enjoyed them still, and the end-results were, as far as I know, quite alright. Don't let anything overwhelm you and know that you can always count on anyone to explain anything to you - it takes more than one head to remember and plot out everything here, and your beautiful brain will be a great contribution to an already vast and chaotic world. We're looking forward to seeing where Season 2 and all the new recruits lead us. :3