Jacque felt a wave of relief was over him as Hart came in with the same aura of optimality she always seemed to show, clearly completely oblivious to the tension that was in the room. "We're just waiting on Nic and Krait now I think. We're passing the time by discussing our strengths and weaknesses.", it was more or less the truth now that the argument seemed to have passed. Jacque cleared his throat, "Which I guess brings us to me. When i'm transformed, my scales can repel small arms fire and bladed weaponry. But a rifle or shotgun could still cause quite a bit of damage, along with intense heat or cold. Then theres my strength, which I mentioned before makes it hard to complete delicate tasks.". There was another weakness Jacque failed to mention intentionally, partially because of the great amount of shame it brought him, and partially because it would likely be a sure fire way to make sure no one trusted him on a mission.