"Oh?" Desmond curiously stared at Bell, or at least the paper she was holding. So the weapons were meant to protect the tower? That was positive, and negative. They wouldn't probably see anything used in direct combat, but these defensive weapons could possibly halt their assault if something was left undiscovered. He was amazed by the thought of a machine causing the storms... Such power and technological genius! But now wasn't the time to be excited about it, he'd have to save that for another day. Something else concerned him, and that was where this information came from. [I]'How did that man know about this place? If it was news to so many trainers, and even the stronger forces of the world... How did he have that information? Knowledge of The Tower's defenses? I shouldn't make any hasty assumptions, and I absolutely cannot speak in front of her about the negative possibilities. I really can't speak to anyone... They might reveal my thoughts and inflict a wound in this already fragile group. Keeping my feelings to myself... Guess some things never truly change, do they?'[/I] "Well... This information is most certainly helpful, if it's true. We have nothing else to go on as of now, but being cautious out in the field will still be necessary, most certainly." He said, not expressing his inner thoughts in the slightest. Doing so could have a truly devastating outcome as far as keeping together as a team went. Desmond's attention went away from the ancient weapons, and to Aria. Her words were certainly strait-forward, and that was acceptable... Somewhat. Though it probably wouldn't sit too well with everyone, he continued trying to stay neutral with the group and avoid hostility. Of course, then another man came through the door. Desmond knew that he was going to strongly dislike this lack of privacy, but decided to suck it up and complain about it after he knew he'd have a life where privacy was important again. This one was certainly... Different. He appeared young, younger than the others, even. He looked barely older than Noll. He had a Pokemon already released to travel alongside him, it seemed. A Slowking. Desmond had swore he heard another voice before the duo entered, but maybe that was just somebody in the hall? Well... Whatever. Desmond shared Aria's curiosity about the newcomer, though dispelled the thought of him being military. The way he was dressed just didn't seem fitting. It wasn't really anything Desmond was concerned with, though. The comment on his Slowking was obviously wrong, they were Pokemon known for their tremendous intelligence and intuition, he highly doubted that he himself was smarter than it was. "Military or not," Desmond chipped in, as he began digging in his bag. "It's good to have another person on board, considering our lower numbers compared to other groups." Pulling out a framed picture, Desmond stared at it for a moment. It was a photo of him back when he was only a child, at the age of twelve. It was taken on the same day his father had given him little Fluff. In it was Desmond and Fluff, of course, along with his father, mother, and aunt. They had a small family, but that was always fine as far as Desmond was concerned. His father had many friends that considered him family, and that made him feel welcomed whenever he was in his region. He put the picture on a small nightstand that was beside his bed, before speaking once more to introduce himself to the young newcomer, considering he was a tad late to the introductions. Plus it was usually polite to give your own name before asking for somebody else's. "The name's Desmond. You came just in time, as we were just all partaking in introducing ourselves."