[quote=Kaithas] Abraham has been used before in multiple RPs. He got the stuffing beaten out of him each time. Last time with several punches to the face.I can handle his power.Those other profile up there are good, I'll try to get the IC up before I sleep tonight. [/quote] To elaborate on the lakefish's words; Abraham adapts, yes. But he adapts after he's already been hit. It's far from instantaneous, as well. To adapt to something like, say, charm speak, it would have to be used on him, and the first time, he'll be as susceptible to it as anyone else. It's a powerful ability, yes, but it has inherent drawbacks. And that's before we even consider the fact that it's passive, so he can't control the results. Rather than an active, first resort, it's something he falls back to if he has no other option, and has spent most of the fight being pummeled into the ground. His sword, granted, adapts as it fights; but it's also just a weapon. (And for the record, it wasn't [i]multiple[/i] fists, it was just the one. :P) For anyone who cares (AKA no one), Abraham is more or less being reset to how he was prior to the start of the last game. He didn't really do anything, so there isn't much of a point in assuming that those interactions took place.