It was all Soraya could do to just nod silently in acceptance of the cryptic response. She was satisfied enough by the answer she had received. Knowledge. Obviously the kîskwehkan iskwew had used her great power to bestow knowledge upon the foreign white man, in what was perhaps his native tongue. The witch said "you'll be getting your own soon enough." Soraya hoped quietly that wasn't a bad thing. Judging by the distracted but harmless way she regarded Soraya, she felt safely planted in the safe zone. She decided to herself not to push her luck with the slightly volatile Elder woman. She would, as she had always done, hold her tongue as long as speaking was unnecessary. Although she wished to help her 'brother,' the one with the new hand wounds, she knew it was best left to the woman with the poultice, who immediately sprang into action to tend to her injured brother. With that issue being tied up as neatly possible, Soraya resumed looking over her new pelt. It weighed heavily in her hands. The hide itself was sturdy and strong, and the fur was extremely thick. She looked into the empty eyes of the werewolf's head - empty like the witch's own. It sent a shudder through her, though she suppressed it. She swung the hide around, draping the pelt over her shoulders. The skinned head hung on her back like a hood. If she so chose to do so, she could raise it up and place it on her head. Although just looking at and touching it proved its great power, wearing it made a much bigger impact on her. She could feel the weight - the [i]true[/i] weight - of the pelt on her shoulders. There were many questions from the others, which somehow did not surprise Soraya. She was, however, taken aback at how brash and outright rude they could be - namely the other woman. She regularly saw young people such as herself mistreat Elders out of frustration, but she never did understand it. And now her supposed 'sister' was taking a sarcastic tone with a powerful witch who had just displayed her wrath. And how little she thought of it. The shock registered on Soraya's face through expression, but not through words. Perhaps she would have to apologize on behalf of her kin. Perhaps that would prevent any angry actions on behalf of the witch. But for now, she would watch it play through. Maybe the kîskwehkan iskwew had more patience than she had displayed earlier. Soraya hoped silently.