"Really?" Desmond was actually somewhat surprised by what Rian had said, and couldn't help but crack a smile. "Huh... Seems I'm known a little more than I thought." He said, both as a note to himself, and a response to Rian. Though his comment towards the others was perhaps a sign he could be more blunt than Aria, proving to Desmond that he certainly ended up in a colorful group. Though this situation they were currently in was serious, he felt they would bring him some relief in the coming days, if they were still around. More thoughts about the future... As if he didn't have enough of those already. Noting the teams of those around him, one name caught him off guard; Delphox. He hadn't ever heard of it before, whatever it was. He wasn't too surprised by this, he hadn't exactly traveled all the regions, there were still plenty of Pokemon he'd never seen before. Though out of those mentioned, that had been the only one currently close-by. Overall, both Bell and Rian seemed to have powerful teams. He kept the thought in his mind about challenging them to a battle or two in the future. He figured it'd be good for keeping him sharp. "Impressive." Was all he could really say in response to the teams. He figured it was his turn, and wasn't going to pass on telling them about the Pokemon he considered to be his best friends. "It's not a bad idea to familiarize ourselves with each-other's Pokemon." After taking a moment to think about how to explain his colorful little family, he continued. "So, my team, huh... Hmm. I suppose I could say a little about them. There's Hectic, my Heracross. She's pretty strait-forward, I guess. Her temper can sometimes get the better of her, but usually she can keep herself under control. I am a tad worried about her trying to fly in this weather, and sadly she isn't very fast when moving on the ground, so I suppose she's a bit limited in the way of speed." "Next is Raph, my Crobat. Again, I'm worried about the flying conditions around here. Especially giving he is such a light-weighted Pokemon. Though he's taught me about doubting him before, I'd rather not take chances until the weather is more calm. After Raph, there's Psyches. He's a Wigglytuff, and quite, eh... A funny one, you could say. I honestly can't tell you what to expect from him, because he tends to always find something creative to do in battle. Sometimes even I don't have a clue what he's doing." Desmond glanced downwards in concern, wondering how Psyches would deal with the storm. He figured the big guy would just shrug it off, but Desmond was ever-so cautious about that Wigglytuff's condition. "Tress, my Nidoqueen, is rather strong physically. I can't count the number of times she has impressed me, or the amount of times she's aided me in tending to any of the others when they got hurt while we were travelling. I believe soon enough she'll be trying to be a motherly figure for everyone, heh." He chuckled, loving Tress' caring nature. Their interests were one in the same, they both liked seeing Pokemon properly cared for, and that had allowed them to build a strong bond over the years. "Of course, Smog, my own Fire-Type, is a Magcargo. I am certain he will not be battling outdoors, but his body may be helpful if we were to encounter any caves, as he could serve as both a light and heat source. Honestly he'd probably be content with that, instead of battling..." That was five. Leaving one. He felt happy to have left her for last. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a Pokeball, glancing at it. "Last, but not least..." He pointed the Pokeball towards the center of the room, allowing the Pokemon inside to come out in that nostalgic white beam of light. It formed into a rather tall figure, before completely revealing his Ampharos. She flexed her arms, revealing the pink bow on her rather long neck more openly as electricity crackled inside the red orb in it's forehead, and it let out a cry that just expressed that it was ready for anything. "She doesn't have any wool on her body like when she was a Flaffy, but her name stayed the same. Meet Fluff, my Ampharos." Desmond said, watching as Fluff calmed down somewhat, looking around. She scanned over the group, and observed the Pokemon that could possibly be opponents later. Noting that the Slowking and Espeon could perhaps be some decent competition, she lowered her arms and nodded in a respectful manner, though she kept a confident look on her face. The electricity faded from the red orb on her forehead, further expressing she was calming down. That being said, she'd be willing to ruin the entire room in a battle at any moment if given a good enough chance.