Geb's mind was a million miles away when he tripped, something that happened a lot to the boy. He was in a daze as he shambled to his feet, plucking out a stick that lodged it's self in his forehead. His thoughts didn't return to him until the jungle seemingly sprang to life and attacked him. He struggle franticly, some of him managing to slip out of the vines, before he saw her. He was rendered speechless, he didn't expect to run into anybody this far out let alone another teenager. He stalled for a moment to look the girl over again, something he normally never did, before trying to speak. The sound that escaped Geb's mouth could be compared to the sound of wet clay being squashed in a echoey cave. After his failure to speak Geb looked down to finally relies his disguise had melted away. He let out another sickening squashing sound, his version of a meep, before his body reshaped back into his normal disguise, a pale brown haired teenager in a brown button up shirt and black jeans. He coughed a few times, even spiting out a glob of grey clay, before trying to talk again. "Testing one two... Great I can talk!" He grinned for a moment before looking back at the girl. "Oh sorry I lost track of what I was doing. I do that a lot, I remember one time when I was chasing after a guy who stole some diamonds... Sorry I did it again." He smirked some before looking down at his restraints. "I'm going to guess that you did this. That's pretty... Awesome!" He said as he looked over the plants that were still tied around him. "This reminds me of Poison Ivy back in Gotham. Don't get me wrong she is a crazy person but her powers are so cool. Say... are you related to her or something?" He asked looking back at the girl in front of him. "Oh sorry about bumping into by the way, I tend to get distracted by this kind of stuff." He looked around him as a gesture to the jungle around them. "I didn't hurt you did I? Oh yeah I'm Geb." He said in a soft voice and a warm smile on his face.