[b]Name:[/b] Keezheekoni, the Aspect of Phlogiston (Calls herself Keezi) [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Random descriptors:[/b] Hot headed, hot blooded, easily angered, short, stubborn as a mule, and stupidly brave. Stands five foot two inches. [b]Character Tier:[/b] Intermediate Character Type: Critical Character- Active Multiverse Participant [b]Physical Description:[/b] A young and reasonably attractive Native American Woman of Aztec heritage. She's got short hair, a rather unhealthily thin figure, and not much in the way of breasts. Her hair is charcoal in color and her eyes are brown, in fact there's really not all that much special about her. In fact she doesn't even dress in a spectacular way, she's just a normal person when you look at her. [b]Personality Description:[/b] Keezi is unnaturally confident in herself, like, to the point where it's not actually safe. She has absolutely no qualms facing those who are more powerful than she is. It's not safe, it's not smart, but it's what she does. Her confidence is her greatest feature, acting like the biggest bad out there. Sometimes saying that you're something can make you into what you're acting like. [b]Skills, powers and abilities:[/b] - [Intermediate] Blessing of Huehueteotl: As the champion of the Flame God Huehueteotl she was given dominion over one aspect of fire. A long since outdated theory given by man, Phlogiston. Now known as oxidation it is what happens when oxygen reacts with temperature and other materials. Primarily related with fire and metabolism in modern science. With dominion over phlogiston she can produce heat in, around, above, and below her body. Manipulating it with her mind and in her hands, able to form visible material that she refers to as 'Pure Phlogiston.' Pure Phlogiston is a moldable and wild material, almost magical in its existence. On contact it's a liquid, when moving through it it's like a gas, and when it's struck/moving quickly it's a solid. Usually, in the hands of Keezi, it is formed into balls and struck with a baseball bat. This sends them sailing farther and faster than she could throw them. Phlogiston exists in anything that is combustable, good sources are coal and wood. Bad sources are metals. When near these materials Keezi can passively draw phlogiston out of them. When phlogiston is drawn from materials they oxidize, wood burns and metal rusts. Along with countless other reactions to oxidizing. This effect has a minimum radius of seven inches away from her skin, and a maximum range of nine feet. This effect is sped up exponentially on contact, wood incinerates and metals oxidize near immediately. The best way to describe pure phlogiston is by calling it "Oxidation Encarnate" What I mean by this is. Phlogiston, the material's name, actually comes from the theory that emerged before oxidation was truly discovered. And now, Oxidation doesn't sound like the name of a superhero's tool, does it? It doesn't. So phlogiston's abilities, aside from its material form, are all composed around oxidation and its effects. Along with production of heat, it can cause cells to rapidly age and die on contact (This does not age the person, it just causes their cell to die. Skin gradually thins out as the fight goes on. If it penetrates flesh, it will cause the muscle to thin, then bones. So on and so forth.), it can kill plant life, it can cause metals to rust, and even This blessing allows her to project heat from her body at exactly 2,000 degrees fahrenheit (1,093 degrees celsius.) Rock and dirt melt in the general area of her body when she projects this heat. On average her body is heated to a natural temperature of 250 degrees on contact. This temperature relies heavily on her mood, and at its hottest is 1,250 degrees. With a recent boost to her power she can now control her powers much more efficiency, including the temperatures listed above a series of new abilities were added and augmented to be more effective. Now capable of spreading the phlogiston out in wide waves to provide much more area and combat coverage to be a more devastating assault. With her control of heat she can decrease the pressure around her body and increase her lift for a moment and create something similar to walking on air. And by similar, I mean spot on. Keezheekoni's prime ability is generation of phlogiston, heat happens to be a byproduct. As hot air is lighter than air, Keezi can produce lift underneath her feet to allow herself to move through the air with ease. Flight is not impossible, but walking on air requires little to no concentration on her part. Aside from sustaining the lift underneath herself. If she is knocked over she can use phlogiston gas to prevent herself from hitting the ground as well. Another manipulation is a barrier of projected phlogiston, this is pure phlogiston being exuded from her body. As all pure phlogiston it is a strange but predictable material, it burns up to 2,000 degrees fahrenheit same as all other heat produced from her body. It is incredibly useful as a shield since many things melt at below 2,000 degrees. It slows down attackers, albeit only marginally, since it is a fluid and stops only fast moving projectiles in their tracks. Incredibly fast moving foes, running 100 mph and higher will be incredibly sluggish in a field of phlogiston. As its transformat properties cause it to shift between a gas and a liquid, so when a fast moving target moves into the field, they will immediately lose a large portion of their speed. The most potent manipulation is coating her entire body with a liquid layer of phlogiston. This armor requires absolute focus, she cannot sustain it and project at the same time. This suit of flowing phlogiston serves two purposes: [list] [*]Protection From Melee Attacks: Two factors add in here. The liquid coating that is suspended on her skin dampens all strikes on her. Preventing them from having their full effect on her. And the destructive nature of phlogiston, at 2k+ degrees it will cause severe burns on sustained contact with flesh. Combined with the forced aging of cells on contact with the material itself. Like all forms of phlogiston, it prevents ranged weapons from having full effect.[/*] [*]Increased Damage Output: Keezi's body is now a sustained 2k+ degrees, everything that she touches is at risk of being incinerated. Keezi burns at temperatures hotter than most crematoriums, so sustained contact with her in this form is near suicidal.[/*] [/list] - [Low] Well toned human fitness: Her lithe form betrays her physical wellness, all 130 lbs of her body is trained pretty well. Long Distance Running Speed: 24 Mph Short Distance Sprinting Speed: 44 Mph Benchpress Max: 300 lbs Deadlift Max: 360 lbs [b]Character Equipment: [/b] - [Low] Tungsten Carbide Self Defense Bat: To give her a weapon that she's used to, and to ensure that she always has a weapon in her hands, Huehueteotl gave her a much more effective and devastating human weapon. A baseball bat made from tungsten carbide, a material that you don't want to fuck with on a tuesday. Or any day of the week. It's resistant to temperatures upwards of five thousand degrees, much greater than her output. And it's so hard that you couldn't cut it with even the sharpest of steel blades. It's a mean club, and it gets real hot when her hands get wrapped around this Louisville Slugger. - [Low] Survival Backpack: Mess Kit: Frying Pan, Pot, Knife, Fork, Spoon, Wooden Spatula. Rain Coat: A yellow plastic coat that covers her from head to thighs. Length of Rope: Twelve feet of coiled hemp rope. Flashlight: An LED sunlight recharged flashlight. Range: 40 ft. Lantern: A small lamp that provides a flood light over a 10 ft area. Swiss Army Knife: Contains a wrench, three inch knife, tweezers, ice pick, nail clippers, nail file, flathead screwdriver. Two Changes of Clothes: Clothes. What else? Sleeping Bag: A thick cloth sack that's rain proof and thick enough to keep wild animals from clawing through it. [b]Character History:[/b] Born in Seattle she was literally just a normal person, enjoying hikes and exploring. She sold nick-nacks at a corner store during the day and traveled the countryside during the night and every vacation opportunity that she got. One day she took a hiking trip to Mount Rainier and unfortunately she got overconfident and climbed onto the edge of the volcano. She fell in and would have died, had the hand of Huehueteotl stayed her fall. The god set her down and she immediately pulled out her bat and started swinging, thinking that he was some sorta monster. Which, in the eyes of a young woman who had never seen a god before, was pretty reasonable. Before being reasoned with she got in one good hit on the fire god with her bat. The god was impressed with her firey spirit and inconsolable aggression. After a few hours of conversation Huehueteotl granted her some of his power. Now, there was really no reason behind it, but he didn't need a reason. He was a god. So now she has superpowers, what about that? Honestly she has no reason to have them, no big bad evil guy that she has to fight. She's just got power. That is, until she was sucked into the Nexus itself. (She was actually sent by Huehueteotl to be his champion in a fight with great warriors across the multiverse.)Upon entering the Nexus itself Keezheekoni was met with another champion of another god. And her patron god was rather jealous of how strong the other champion was, so he gave her a new weapon and a big boost to her power and physical ability.