Between Baldur's presence and the mission he was just given, Dann completely missed the implication of what Baldur called him, Ullerson, meant. The mission itself sounded straightforward enough, go in, look around, get the object, go out. Failure only meant the start of apocalypse and the death of tens of millions.

[i]Talk about escalation...[/i] 

It was problematic that they were going against giants and whatever they have. Dann has whether they used firearms or not, and if they do, whether the size was scaled up or not. The thought of a working giant-sized assault rifle was not a nice one and he tried to push it away. Baseless assumption could prove to be his end.

When Baldur left, a pang of disappointment grew in his stomach. It was quickly replaced with a twitch as Lucky openly taunted Jagred and the old woman. 

"You might want to watch what you're saying, someone might want to choke you one day," He said. Dann huffed to the native American's word, it sounded cheesy anyway, "What kind of siblings that doesn't fight with each other? Besides, we are all strangers here. I don't mind trying to work together, but more than that is asking too much, too soon."

Dann's eyes strayed to Lucky's direction, as if saying [i]And then there's this scum of a thief who has no tact at all.[/i] What else can you say about a person who tried to rob an old lady and then asked her about it. A supernaturally strong old lady, but an old lady all the same.

He looked back at the witch as Jagred asked about how they're going to go to this village. He was curious too, did they get a ride or do they have to plan it themselves?