Hunin and Mugin watched the verbal altercation between some of the children with amusement, before they broke into an outright laughter in response to Soraya’s attempt at a speech. The old crone glared harsh daggers at the birds. In that she glared at them, and then some decorative knives flew in their direction that they had to dodge, which they did cheerfully. Remaining to their laughter but not speaking of it. “You impudent wretches, have the decency to laugh at the girl behind her back so that she may have some hope,” she called out to them. Unfortunately, Soraya could tell she wasn’t saying anything in her defence; the witch merely wanted an excuse to throw sharp things at the birds. One less bothered by detecting the lie, and the only other one to detect it, was Gavriil. The witch too didn’t think they had much of a chance to survive. The omen that was given, the others may not have caught it, and why should they? It was likely hidden from them by the All-Father, and she did not want to risk his wrath in her. They would soon learn what the Northern Road really is. “Oh, you’ve got me wrong, miss. T’weren’t laughter at her, just relishing in their conflict.” A half truth, one everyone could notice. “Then you best take their conflict out of my shop, I would not want a blade lodged in the merchandise.” She raised her arm weakly, and the floor seemed to begin to groan and make such aching noises, as it warped slightly, moving beneath the feet of everyone, shifting them to the door. It was slow at first, until she lowered her hand. It was a signal, that almost all of the demigods responded to. The floor shifted, hard and strong, with the drop of her hand, and with a small jump and moving of their feet, most of the group was able to stay on their feet. Eshna and Gavriil, however? They went tumbling down, and rolled one after the other out the door. Still, the message was clear. The ravens had to wrap things up, even their guileful nature couldn’t stop all the sharp things inside of the shop. “We have no ride set for you to Bodi as was laid to here.” “Precautions.” “Baldur said, distance, Fate, y’know the schtick by now, yeah?” “Iffin you don’t, you will.” “It does get old, but what can you do?” “Fight Fate!” “How?” “Flail desperately at the unknown?” “Don’t mock the All Father so.” “You were thinking it too.” “That’s not how I remember it.” “Of course [i]you[/i] wouldn’t remember it correctly.” “What do you mean by--” The crone seemed close to blowing a gasket, “ALL OF YOU, OUT, NOW. ESPECIALLY THE BIRDS.” “Yes, good idea, let’s take our leave, and you guys...” “You’ll figure something out. It’s a what, 6 hour?” “Yes, 6 hour drive.” “On a good day.” “Is today a good day?” “I wouldn’t--” And then more blades were flung at the ravens. Getting the picture now, they took their leave with a bit of dry laughter, flying out of the shop and into the sky. The heroes were left without further guidance, and no supplied means of getting to Bodie either. As for weapons, they only had what they brought with them, and their gifts. Looks like they may have to improvise. Lucky, around this time, got a response from his mother. It was without any useful information, or even a yes or a no. If anything, the response was only something that would be further frustrating to him. Immediately outside of [b]Runes and Things[/b] was the outskirts of town. Things were normally green in these parts, but this winter had been a particularly cold one. There was a light snow going on, and there were various other buildings nearby that were in a state of disrepair. This obviously wasn't on the good, and better looking side of town. Perhaps that was intentional, have it a bit out of the way from everything else. It was on the northern outskirts as well, and so that would at least shorten the road needed to travel to get to Bodie, if nothing else. Cars are still seen driving to and fro, but no one really pays attention as they go on their way in and out of town, but mostly in. At least, on these roads.