Jacob's focus was lost to every sensation other than vivid inspiration cast upon Baldur's gilded aura. Every letter of every word he spoke had rung hollow through his mind, only being stored in the back of his subconscious mind. One word rung truer and bolder than the rest, however, and that was [i]Freyrson[/i]. He'd never known his real father, and apparently it was due to him being a god. Some metaphysical, divine force took part in creating Jacob, and something about this truth held his chest up high. Still, as Baldur made his exit, the gloom of the quaint shop coupled with the grim news and even grimmer directions laid out before them drove his heart deep down into his bowels. [i]Frost Giants? If i'm fighting giants i'm gonna need a drink-...no. Just...fuck.[/i] Jacob was evidently depressed, by the looks of it. His mind conflicted, he'd no idea how he was going to keep trotting along as a sober wretch. [i]Your uncle's probably not reveling in some glorious mead hall, your in a highly dysfunctional group with no sense of direction and even worse you and the rest of these young, misguided people are expected to tackle on saving the world from the ravages of the end times. I should've off'd myself back at the apartment, I should've just...just taken it all in and glided off to a permanent sleep. I shouldn't be here, I should have-...[/i] His usually unstoppable train of thought was halted by Soraya's soft embrace on his shoulder. He couldn't help but catch a smile at her as he caught her gaze, sure it might have been a cheesy speech, but his coy smirk was more so one of appreciation rather than mocking. She understood what it meant to be a team and how they all needed to understand each other to properly work together. Still, he felt shameful upon seeing her back away and took note of her embarrassment. Perhaps he could've saved her the embarrassment by chiming up and supporting her. She seemed like too nice a girl, but obviously she had her merit to be there if she was among the rest of them. Jacob had given a friendly smile to her, his chest held high as he took to glaring at Dann for his snarky comments towards Lucky's bad choice and Soraya's speech. He was soon distracted by the ravens as they piped up all sorts of witty banter towards their goal at hand. None of it the least bit helpful, he had a feeling they would be left to their own devices. Of course, than as the shop rattled and rocked to and fro, he got the picture. Once things calmed down, he took to the outside world with the rest of his group. Still taking note of Soraya's shyness, leaning back behind the group, he decided his chance to talk was now or never. "Soraya was right back there, guys." He rather firmly, though informally, addressed. Oddly enough, he was speaking directly and boldly rather than mumbling as usual. "Snarky comments and witty banter isn't what slays giants and mythical beasts." He glared into the eyes of Dann, Jagred and Lucky. As he took to looking at Lucky, his glare soon turned into a gaze of understanding. "Each and every one of us hail from a different background, a different culture. We were all raised differently, obviously." Looking back to Dann, he continued, occasionally glancing over each and every one in the group with focused eyes. "This is the [i][b]end[/b][/i] times, here. You do all realize this? We not only need to [i]work[/i] together, we need to understand each other. Everyone here has their own special set of skills, their own usefulness to the task at hand. Even a thief has his merit." He concluded with a smirk towards Lucky. He was rather blushing at this point, a single bead of cold sweat collected on his forehead and his entire face feeling strangely warm in this winter weather. Standing his ground, he did nothing to hide his physical shyness as hit heart continued racing. He continued shifting his eyes around the group, he wasn't going to back away or even linger behind, he was going to accept whatever criticism or support they'd give him. For the first speech he ever gave in his entire life, he was feeling unnaturally confident about it, and wouldn't quite pay any mind to those who laughed at it. "Now, does anyone have money? A private helicopter laying around? Somebody get a rental car when they landed? We gonna let Lucky break into some vehicles and hot-wire them for us? Let's form a plan here, friends." His personality shifted, a wide grin on his face. He backed up few feet to Lucky, stretching his hand out to him for a firm shake.