Got room for one more,I hope? [hider= Jason Alexander Wilde 2.0][IMG][/IMG] "Cooking is like Love or Life, it should be entered into with abandon or not at all." –Harriet Van Horn "The Basics..." Name: Jason Alexander Wilde Mutant Alias: Bonfire Nickname: Jaw: His Initials, they spell Jaw, it just stuck Bono: partially a mutation of his codename, partially a joke about his love of Rock’n’Roll Age: 25 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Field Agent. Chef. Substitute teacher occasionally. "The Appearance..." Description of Appearance: Standing a good, solid six foot, Jackson Alexander Wilde cuts an intimidating figure, what with the tattoos up and down his muscular arms, his hair a raven black like the moonless night. He cuts such a figure, that is, until you meet his eyes, and then you see mirth there, laughter and joy, and for a moment you feel like a child again, as if you were looking up at a big brother, but look closer, as his steely gray eyes beg you to, and you do, and you see just behind the fire of warmth and joy and mischief, you glimpse sadness, well covered up perhaps, but a sadness nonetheless… Style: Jason generally likes to dress as if he is going to the beach, Sunglasses, tank top flip flops, and gym-shorts are typically his MO underneath his Chef’s Jacket. To be totally honest though, while the majority of the time he looks like he just came from some exotic island, tan and all, there are times, if he’ll admit it to himself, that he just feels like putting on a tuxedo and going about his day as James Bond, and so sometimes he does. And so it is not entirely strange to see him walking around in a tuxedo on a day that would otherwise be entirely ordinary for the X-Mansion, these Happening are few and far between though. "Delving A Little Deeper..." Likes: Swimming Red Meat Cooking Beaches Napping Rock’n’Roll His Friends Talking Teaching, when he gets the chance Fruit Dislikes: Tofu Sushi Losing Control Burning Food Bees People who threaten his friends The sound Styrofoam makes when you rub it against other bits of Styrofoam People who dislike Mutants Mutations: Hyper-sensory Perception: Jason’s senses are enhanced well beyond that of normal human capability. Kinetic Pyrokinesis: Jason is able to generate and manipulate the forces of heat and fire, but only with things that he is able to physically touch, so while touching a stove he would be able to light it, or when barefoot on sand, he could turn the entire beach to glass, but to save his life he wouldn’t be able to throw fire at an enemy or heat up a car before getting into it or light a cigarette of a person standing a foot in front him. In addition to this it would appear that Jason is also entirely fireproof, both inside and out. Perhaps because of this, his body normally generates significantly more heat than the human body would otherwise be able withstand. This makes sitting in shorts outside during winter or jumping into icy water a non-problem. Flaming Line of Sight Teleportation: At a cost to his energy, Jason is able to suddenly teleport to any physical location he can see from his origin spot, the only evidence of this teleportation is the burnt ground from where he last stood. Despite this, neither Jason nor anybody he chooses to teleport with is harmed in the process. Strengths: Jason is quite an accomplished Chef, due in large part, no doubt, to his love of the activity, as Jason will tell you himself, there is something both philosophical and simplistic about the act of making food, and that duality is why he loves it so much. Due as well, in large part, to his having studied under some of the greatest chefs of all time as much as the aforementioned love of the game. Weaknesses: Jason doesn’t like talking about his past, but who does really? In addition to this Jason has a competitive streak a mile wide, not because he loves to win, but because he loves to compete, as a result he often ends up turning things he does into a game or competition. In regards to his teleportation, he is only able to teleport to physical places he can see. There is no teleporting to Hawaii because he is bored, or teleporting to the moon to see if he can breath on it, or even teleporting inside places that don’t have windows or open doors that he can see. He also seems to be unable to transport things like food, plant life, or any other non-sentient biological material without burning it to a crisp. In regards to his Pyrokinesis, because it is so based on his body, he is unable to control it while submersed in water, so no heating up a bath while in it, or at all actually, he seems is completely unable to directly affect water in any way. This is a large contributor to why he loves to swim so much, because it gives him a feeling of being at ease, he is also unable to affect anything significantly that he isn't able to directly touch with his skin. Personality: Jason is a man of many descriptors, mischievous, loyal, protective, easy-going, passionate, and many more but when it comes right down to it the thing that best describes Jason is that he doesn’t believe in doing things half way, even if that thing is nothing. But do not take this to mean that Jason is lazy, on the contrary his personality dictates that he throw his very self into almost everything he does. The inherent downsides to this are that he often acts without thinking, tends to be brash and hotheaded, and does things that he regrets later. A psychologist once theorized that the reason Jason throws everything he is into everything he does is because Jason doesn’t want to sit still long enough to dwell on his past, the psychologist then proceeded to ask what it was he was so afraid to see, Jason leaned in very close, a somber look on his face, sniffed and said “I think something is burning”, smiled largely, burned off the man’s, to be quite honest, impressive, mustache, and walked away, chuckling. "Delving Even More Deeper..." History: Jason never knew his mother, as she died in giving birth to him. His father, a kind man, a soldier, recently returned from the war, saw his wife’s ashes, and his face took on an expression of total shock as the doctors explained to him that she had simply burst into flames after delivery, and by the time they had reached the extinguisher, this was all that was left. At that point, for her sake, Jason’s father decided that he would do the best he could with Jason, after the death of his wife and his own Honorable Discharge from the Seals, Jason’s Father became a traveling food critic, traveling the world with his son, and tasting some of the planet’s best, and worst, cuisine. Instilling in the boy a taste for good food, and the inherent benefits of hard work, kindness, and morality. Over time the pair became known as ‘The Little Big Critic’ and among internationally ranked restaurants they gained a very small amount of infamy. Chefs loved having little Jason in their kitchen, and would often, whether to gain points with him or his father, give him little bits of food and tips on how to best make it. Jason barely understood most of what was being told to him at the time, but he just drank it all up anyway, Jason loved his life, and his father, and the pair had never been happier, but like most things that we love, it had to eventually come to an end. One day, when Jason was 13, Jason’s Dad accidentally gave a restaurant, which was in fact just a front for the local mob, a review so bad that it actually had to shut down. In anger two VERY large men showed up at the hotel and proceeded to attempt to break Jason’s father’s legs. Unfortunately for them, Jason’s father had previously been a Navy Seal in the United States Military, and easily put down the pair of mafia thugs. Unfortunately for EVERYBODY, it was at that very moment that Jason’s powers began to manifest, all of them, all at once. So while he was experiencing the severe pain of growing a tail mixing with a suddenly enhanced version of everything he was hearing, feeling, smelling, and seeing, which was, unfortunately, that his father was being attacked, Jason became over-stimulated, not able to process what was going on because it was all happening so fast, and as a result, lost all of his already practically nonexistent control over his powers, and without warning, most of the room and one of the now-unconscious thugs, all burst into flame, and Jason, being scared out of his little prepubescent mind, did the only thing any sane tween would do in that situation, he teleported to his dad’s side. His father, instincts kicking in, got his son out of there as fast as he could, stepping over the bodies of the unconscious thugs to do so, kicking opening and closing as many doors as he could to try and find the exit, but the fire seemed to almost be following them, igniting drapes they passed and setting pretty much the entire hotel aflame as they ran by it. Luckily they got out without much harm, except for Jason, so tired out from the sudden onset of abilities, passed out…the hotel on the other hand, made out like bandits because of the insurance payouts. As Jason’s father sat on the lawn in front of the hotel, watching the Fire Department put out the blazing inferno that the Hotel had become wondering what he was going to do now, when he was approached by a Kind looking woman who introduced herself as Ororo Munroe, after having a long talk with Storm, Jason’s father eventually conceded that it is entirely probable that his son was a mutant, and thinking only of the best for the kid, he agreed that it was probably best for all if the Lady took him to her ‘School for Gifted Youngsters”. To this day the look of pure disappointment and hate on his father’s face as Jason left for the academy haunts Jason. Jason’s father was never able to accept that his son was a mutant and the two only speak when they have to. Other: Jason’s most prized possession is a Necklace his mother wore, just a simple chain, he is never without it, never.[/hider]