[b][u][i]6 Hours Earlier[/i][/u][/b] About an hour passed since the mercenary crew known as the "Hellsquad" barely escaped with their lives. ...Well, that's the more noble way of putting it, but the fact is their lives so to speak weren't in danger. Knowing what was unleashed at the time, Samuel probably just toyed with them as a kind of early morning exercise. No different to him as a stretch after being in that orb for...god, how long WAS he in that orb again? It must have been for thousands of years in this dimension's time. As he walked above what remains of this building since that collapse would clearly have collapsed the building as well, rules of foundation and all, the blonde haired boy looked at and grabbed a fragment of the orb that Samuel was sealed in. He blew on it, and a puff of purple smoke blew off of it into the air. There was no doubt now as to what this relic was to him, but the question was, how did Samuel of all people get stuck in? Well...Another question for another day. In a way, this is actually quite fortunate. With Samuel out and about, maybe a certain Fallen One would now be thrown out into the open. Until then though, the lone angel merc, Senkai Sabath, will have to just continue with his job searching. Eventually, the asshole-in-command should show himself at least to try and lure him into a trap or something. ---------------------------------- [b][u][i]Hell: Now[/i][/u][/b] 7 hours...It's been 7 hours since the fallen angel, Sore Saige, rekindled his connection to his master. 7 hours since he led the fools under the guise of their "Client" to the orb and broke it free. Everything went like clockwork for his lord and master. He watched as all the demons did in his master's hell in entertainment at what he did to the disgracefully named 'Hellsquad', and did so with much delight. Once Samuel finished playing with his new toys, Sore raised a smirk as he made the finishing touches of the preparations for Samuel's return. He placed on his armor, his crown of thorns-like helmet coming on last, and prepared all the demons and monstrosities of hell for his arrival, so that they may do whatever is asked of them from his lord should he need anything done immediately. --- Among them, hanging on a stalagmite by the sword was a masked man in a green jumpsuit, his every little twitch and swing creating images behind him, his eyes glowing red. He too awaited Samuel's arrival with great anticipation. For when he does return to them, it means the superhuman Jack Hell can get back to is murders and massacres. Feeling dehydrated from his time spent in isolation and hiding under Sore's orders, he longed to quench his thirst with blood. ...Particularly child-blood since it always tasted like a fresher more polished iron compared to an adult in his prime. Though, that in particular was quite an addicting taste, one he's been without for far too long. With a chuckle, muffled by his white mask, he daydreamed the thought of Samuel giving him the order to slaughter a well civilized and populated planet, ..ohh, the screams of agony and fear the adrenaline of seeing prey run for their lives, the feeling of satisfaction he gets when he sees soldiers trained for combat and destruction of any threats cower in fear and yell for help just before he cuts out their hesophagus, and those tear, oh the salty goodness of their tears of fear, oh yes he missed that taste for a long time. Sure he could just drink an ocean but there's something about salty water from the eyes of a dying man that just can't be beat... "[i]...Oh, crap, I got lost in Nostalgia again.[/i]" He thought as he shook off his daydreaming, focusing on the upcoming event for all of hell to see.