Lucky listened to Jacob's rather inspiring speech. This guy is a pretty good talker, he thought to himself, listening. A good leader. Of course, he had some divine help, but hey, they all did. Just in different places. Once Jacob finished, Lucky felt himself nodding his head. Why not, Lucky thought. I think I can work with everyone for a while, until I figure out how to use the holes in my hand to my advantage. Lucky looked at Jacob, grinned, and shook his hand. "Alright. Let's do it." Lucky pulled out a pair of keys from his pocket. "So I've got my own car, but it's a four seater, so there are going to have to be two groups. Gavriil, I'll ask you to drive my car. Be very careful with it, thanks. I'll take the second group and we'll see if there's a dealership anywhere around here. If not, then we'll just have to pick one off the streets." "So, Gavriil, you pick three of us to go with you. I'll take the rest. We'll meet up in Bodie, see what's happening, and annihilate whatever seems big and angry." Lucky got a text message back from his mother. Checking it, he frowned, and put the phone back in his pocket. "So let's get to it."