You asked for it: [hider=Here's the sheet] A Brief History of the Human Race, 21st century to 26th century. Three… The Global Age 1991-2147 After the cold war ended the big problem humans had to deal with involved economic dick measuring, terrorism and the fear of nuclear armageddon. Despite the three preceding things the global era was a time of much needed relative peace, with the only major war being the War of Armageddon that erupted in East Europe where only a several million people died; nothing to worry of on a global scale. However that war did lead to the aristocracies, for corporations started being seen as a path to a more peaceful world. A big mistake overall. Towards the end of the 21st century corporate aristocracies dominated the globe. The mega corps gobbled up much of the world’s valuable resources and colonization of the solar system and believed that interplanetary colonization was needed to secure resources in the asteroid belt. Along with the colonization efforts spearheaded by corporations that didn’t see the earth as enough, other efforts were carried out to control earth’s weather in order to keep a predictable weather cycle and put an end to famine and starvation- a thankless task in a world with 13 billion mouths to feed. Terrorism and rogue states became a major issue- and these organizations, working under the front of “war corps” became amazingly powerful under the aristocracy's noses, causing chaos for decades to come. But their most notable “achievement” would be the war corp named ‘Happy Blue Skies Inc’ getting ahold of a pocket nuke blew up the arctic weather control facility causing what is known as the mass death. The mass death happened in 2147, causing 45% of the human population to die off making for the worst catastrophe in human history… For now. With the descent of earth into chaos, colonies in the asteroid belt and mars became effectively self-sustaining* and independent. *in Mar’s case, at least- Mercury as a colony starved to death without its shipments, Triton barely held on and the asteroid belt became effectively vassals for mars. The moon fell apart due to the mass death effecting the moon as bad as earth, if not worse. More info in the “Interplanetary” section. And with that, the interplanetary age begun from the ashes of earth. Tech known to exist in this time: -Cybernetic Implants -Subluminal space travel to other planets -Basic genetic modifications -Dumb AIs -Coilguns/Railguns -Weather control [of the crude, imprecise sort] -3D holograms Culture: Not too much culturally has changed, except for a trend of homogenization as a result of globalization. The world later in the 21st century became rather multipolar leading to a multitude of cultural blends depending on immigration and trade. The Global aristocracy accelerated the homogenization trends, streamlining culture into a stagnant mess of recycled products and stories. “Canned dramas”- movies that explicitly used the same script but modified the setting released monthly- were rather popular in these times to give an example at how crap culture got as independent flicks were shutdown on the crime of violating the five billion copyrights. Space travel was pushed heavily by the mega corps in advertisements and holo movies. Two… Interplanetary Age 2147-2301 Freed from the shackles of Earth, the colonies isolated from Terran contact developed away from the global system, mars undergoing multiple waves of radical revolution against the aristocracy that tried to flee earth to mars leading to a technocratic system of engineers that focused primarily on engineering the trade to the asteroid belt and generally ruled in a way that was seen as beneficial to all mars. Mars would start to flourish as trade to other colonies gave it serious hegemony over lesser colonies that were not as self-sustaining or capable of making interplanetary space craft. On earth, by the year 2240 multiple large factions formed that always had tensions, but never went to war. However, mars in the year 2245 invaded earth in order to make keep what the technocracy saw as a potential dnager to them; but this invasion would fail as a result of earth's factions joining into a single government known as the UGO [United Global Order]. Better yet, Earth started making spaceships much more than before. The UGO would fight in a five year interplanetary war the martians off, and unify earth into a single world-state. After this unification in the year 2250, the Earth and Mrs engaged in a rivalry that mars, due to their vassals turning against them would slowly lose out on. However, for osme time it was hard to tell who would acutally take over the solar system or even if one of the worlds actually would. The conflict between mars and earth was very much a warm conflict as the UGO contested Mercury, the Asteroid belt, and the Jovian colonies against mars. Triton meanwhile kept isolated from much of the outside world, not being dragged into any other conflict and became a very spiritualistic theocracy whose religion still spreads in the year 2512. Earth ultimately would win the warm conflict for the solar system as a savant on Earth known as Maxx Bassa figured out how to apply jump theory taken from martian science to the physical world and break the "light barrier" by essentially "ignoring" all the empty space. A method that got the first colony craft to Proxima Centauri in months- and by 2512, weeks. In doing so, Mars had no answer for a force that could rapidly go from one planet to another and colonies worlds outside the solar system. As while mars had the theory, they didn't bother experimenting with a physical application for the drive. This was something earth did. While mars eventually got their own Jump Drives, by the time they did most of the solar system was united and the Grand Coalition as the UGO started calling itself already begun colonizing outside the solar system. Tech known to exist in this time: -Sophisticated space travel -Gas mines [some on jupiter were made in the year 2214] -Hibernation for humans -sophistication of technology seen in the global age -Everything from global age in some shape or form -Interstellar colony ships -Faster than light travel [at the end, of course] -Internet you can interface with your mind [Neural net] Culture; Copyright claims were rendered null due to the dark age and the World Governing Entity never bothered bringing them back, meaning this RP by the interplanetary age could be sold in stores as a FPS game without getting sued by Actisoft which ceased existing around 2148 anyhow. Culture due to interplanetary isolation led to very distinct cultures appearing on mars, the asteroid belt and triton in general. Mars became a cesspool of technocratic imperialists while the asteroid belt was split into a mess of mining clans willing to fight in space if it means expanding where they have the right to mine. Triton for the most part was cut off from everything else while managing to be self-sustaining enough to keep afloat its population. Triton also became a theocracy and by 2512, a holy site. After the failure to invade earth mars became very defensive fearing the worst from earth, knowing they just shook awake a sleeping giant... One… Interstellar Age 2301-2512 The last two hundred and eleven years have been a age of unparalleled expansion and population explosions. On earth when the mass death ended the human population went up the billions again, and the UGO went interstellar, changing its name to “The Grand Coalition” which effectively took control of the whole solar system in two decades. Mars proved the hardest nut to crack, staying defensive and armored of a world to the point where the Grand Coalition let Mars be independent. Mars kept its independence until the year 2357, when mars was unable to get any resources leading to a civil collapse that provoked intervention on the part of the GC. However, the concept of martian technocracy did not die with mars- the ideals of technocracy would go on to sprout up in the interstellar colonies. Interstellar colonization became the norm for the following two centuries, with the Grand Coalition’s benevolent fascism creating a sense of unity in humans somewhat like what nationalism did. However as the colonies developed, a new form of nationalism would appear in conflict with the species based pride the Grand Coalition tried propagating; planetary nationalism. In essence, planetary nationalism comes from the idea that a interstellar governing entity like the Grand Coalition is not actually necessary to live in space. Some colony worlds considered themselves independent from the start, while others initially accepted the Grand Coalition’s authoritarian approach to running mankind. Yet, the Grand Coalition eventually had to shift from its unitary ways as what is often considered the biggest civil war of all time broke out in the year 2421 after one of the peacekeeping brigades carelessly massacred an entire world to put down a particularly nasty revolt. The massacre was the casus belli for large growing movements of varying sorts of make their own alliance of worlds and declared independence from the Grand Coalition causing the interstellar civil war. The interstellar civil war lasted fourteen years with the Grand Coalition barely winning and some colony systems actually successfully seceding [later becoming rogue colonies]. While the Grand Coalition won, the Alliance of Worlds for Independence still operated in secret, waiting for the right time to strike. The Alliance of Worlds for Independence is officially labeled a terrorist organization by the Grand Coalition for their atrocities and use of terror to achieve their objectives of secession- not like peaceful protest was working. When peace was declared in 2435 the damage done from the interstellar civil war between the secessionists/planetary nationalist worlds and pro-Coalition worlds caused around a 150 million deaths, but only killed 1% of all humans. The long civil war resulted in the Grand Coalition liberalizing in order to avoid further revolt by turning away from its unitary ways. However the grand Coalition still was federal in nature despite the increased autonomy and occasional set of colonies not part of the Grand coalition; the folk running the grand coalition not bothering to invade them unless they do something that provokes it. The next seventy years were relatively peaceful, but civil unrest became a frequent issue as secessionists, technocrats and planetary nationalists caused insurrection and corruption, a issue that existed before, became more called out on. However, things started cooling down. The last fifty years or so have been a time of relative peace among humans with less overbearingness from the Grand Coalition, more exploration and colonies carried out by the decade. Twenty years ago, you know the story. But now, a new force opens its presence to humanity. Tech known to exist; [See technological cpaabilities] Culture; [There’s another sheet for this] Contact, present day Now the fun begins. [/hider] However the final OP I intend to use this due to being much shorter and more to the point: [hider=The timeline] A Brief History of the Human Race, 21st century to 26th century. Three… The Global Age 1991-2147 [21st century] A century of relative peace was what made the 21st century despite fears of a third war. [2042-2147 est.] Colonization of half the solar system and control of the weather through technology was achieved. Many technologies invented. [2070-2147 est.] Global aristocracies said to have dominated the globe in these times. [2147] A unknown terror organization destroyed the weather machine that kept the world fed, causing massive famine that led to an outbreak of wars, plagues and other such horrors to dominate the globe, leading to a century long dark age with robots and futuristic weapons. Two… Interplanetary Age 2147-2301 [2187-2250] While earth suffered mars became the dominant power in the solar system. Mars was ruled by engineers who saw it justified to exploit other colonies for resources. [2225] The century long dark age ended around this point. [2240] Mars tries invading earth for Terran resources like plants, and to hopefully eliminate a potential threat. They failed [marking the end of martian domination], and the world governing entity would overtake mars as the dominant power in the solar system. [2245] World Governing Entity was founded to keep stability for the world and keep another apocalypse from happening. [2290] After 40 years of dedicated research by world governing entity organizations using mercury as a test base, FTL is invented. One… Interstellar Age 2301-2512 [2305] The world governing entity underwent heavy reforms in they way they ran things as of becoming a interstellar society. They adopted a new name, the Grand Coalition. For they see the combination of every human to make a “grand coalition” whose purpose is to ensure the continued survival of mankind in an uncaring universe through necessary action. The Grand Coalition started launching a wave of colonization to many stars using colonial spacecraft that go faster than light. [24th century] Relative peace, most time spent colonizing but tensions in developing worlds increase over time over the authoritarian ways of the earlier Grand Coalition. Insurrection becomes a common issue on some colonies. [2342] World with alien animals is found; alien life is confirmed to exist, however intelligent alien life has thankfully yet to be found. [2421-2435] Civil war breaks out after tensions between extremist secessionists and grand coalition loyalists goes out of control. The Grand Coalition suffers much internal damage after the interstellar civil war caused by planetary nationalists. Despite winning the Grand Coalition relaxes its authority on some levels leading to greater overall autonomy for colonized worlds despite continued domination by the Grand Coalition. A couple systems are known to have gone completely independent in the chaos and have heavily militarized themselves after the civil war. These "runaway" colonies as of 2512 are still not recognized as independent. [2435 - now] Second wave of colonial expansion happens. Insurrection levels are relatively low in comparison to pre -interstellar civil war times. [2492] An Organization known as the Bureau of Extraterrestrial Affairs is founded after a outer colony claims to have made contact with an alien race. [2500] Military development for experimental weaponry goes into overdrive for inexplicable reasons. Blast Off! [2512] Alien contact is officially confirmed by the Grand Coalition, direct contact awaits. [/hider] Probably not as insanely long as some history sheets go [just check out the wikipedia's human history sheet]. I intentionally left out a lot of names so that the historical figures can be made up by people.