Gavriil's mental grasp and control of the situation vanished as soon as the beautiful god walked through the door. His senses, supernatural or otherwise, burned and strained to keep up in the mere presence of the more-than-man, while his usually calm and calculating mind faded, leaving only a blank white fuzz of happiness. A silly grin split his features, his eyes drifting out of focus, and the faint hiss of air between teeth a telling sign that he was now breathing through his mouth. The Russian, for at least the few moments, was naught but an empty vessel for Baldur's words. Only the minute twitches when the syliables dropped from the god's mouth indicated that Gavriil was still responsive. He blushed like a schoolgirl when the perfectly formed lips spoke his true name. The fact that such a wonderful being had descended to learn his name was true happiness. It wasn't until the true nature of the mission was revealed did fragmented thoughts begin again, fighting against the white cloud of fuzz that shackled his mind. There was a few moments of frenzied internal conflict as Baldur left the room, then the vacant expression of childlike delight turned directly into the grimace of shell-shock and abstract horror. Hel's son slowly recoiled away from the door as if stung, seriously reconsidering his life choices up till this point. [i]I was ready to do [b]anything[/b] for that so-called-god. Anything at all.[/i] Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, while blue eyes glanced around to confirm that no one had seen his little breakdown. He visibly shuddered, knees nearly buckling under the weight of his own fear. [i]Terrifying. [b]Horrifying.[/b] There is no need to wonder why the end times comes for them, this thing they call Ragnarok. They destroy reality just by existing in the same space as humans. What monsters. And...[/i] He glared around at his gathered companions, a faint grin that was half terror and half hopeful. [i]...we are like them.[/i] He glanced around to confirm that he was alone in his seeming despair, before his eyes fell upon the the most comical sight he'd seen in the aptly named "Runes and Things.". The wolf-woman was attempting to inspire some sort of camaraderie between the already dysfunctional group. She was failing miserably, it seemed. Even the huge ravens seemed to share in the Russian's mirth, abet a lot more loudly and several hundred times more obnoxiously. While annoying, they seemed a lot more earthy and calming than the witch and her raving overtones. Even as his thoughts shifted to the crone, she managed to fill his veins with ice. She was lying as she leapt to the defense of the wolf-woman, and he could hazard a guess as to what it was about. She thought there was no hope. She expected them to die. [i]Maybe she knew they would[/i] These thoughts brought him all the way back from the momentary breakdown, purging all of the remaining weakness he had shown. Cold blood and death were two defining traits that he lived his life by. Like some old cow's words could bring his sprits down. "Bring it on, you ol-" It wasn't until Gavriil hit the floor the first time he regretted his harsh words. The second bounce caused him to recall why gravity was the worst foe for mankind. The third time he hit the ground and rolled out of the door, he was already inventing new and improved ways to curse old woman in Ancient Norse. Spewing various filthy words in all three of the languages that he knew, the big man rolled out the door and into the soft snow. He lay there for a time, attempting to sort out his mixed feelings about the situation at hand. For one, he was glad to be back in the welcoming embrace of the snow, and to again feel the crisp air against his skin. He had just been gifted a boon of untold strength in the form of a gun that a ghost was slaved to, and held power beyond his mortal comprehension(As of yet). On the other hand, he was stuck with an exceptionally dysfunctional group of allies. The amount of stabbings per hour together was not in the group favor, nor was it hopeful for times ahead. Two stabbings an hour meant that in less than a day, it was nearly certain that at some point in the next day Gavriil would find a large blade inside his person where he most certainly did not want it. In the midst of his crisis, Gavriil heard one of the other men begin to give a speech. He sat up to listen, balefully hoping that it wasn't supposed to rouse them to action, or get them to work together. He was wrong, and although he'd never admit it to anyone, the Russian knew it worked, at least to some extent. It came as a surprise as the thief tossed his keys at Gavriil, who nearly missed them but snagged them on the ends of his fingers. His next words were rumbled without accent. "If the problem with transportation is solved, then the problem with killing the giants is brought up. Sword is like small splinter to them, gun like bee-sting. Therefore we need bigger weapon. I'm not sure if magic death rifle is magic death rifle for giants." He thought about the redundancy for a moment and then tried to explain what he meant. "It ice and they ice. Sure, it has bone of White Death, but I have no idea what it fires." His piece said, Graviil looked around the group for who he was going to take. The thief was unfortunately out of the question. "I'll take the healer, wolf girl, and man with killer necklace."