[b]Name:[/b] Blank 1-C (often called Onesie) [b]Age:[/b] 3 months and 20 days [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Organic Android [b]Random descriptors:[/b] Shoulder length straight white hair, icy blue eyes, pale skin, athletic body [b]Character Tier:[/b] Low [b]Character Type:[/b] Critical Character [b]Physical Description:[/b] She appears to be a teenager but doesn't age. She has naturally straight white hair that's in a style of simple upkeep; straight bangs that go across her forehead just above her eyebrows, a thick lock of hair on either side of her face reaching down to the level of her mouth, and straight hair reaching down to her shoulders. She doesn't bother with any hair accessories or makeup. Her eyes are an icy blue. She has a [url= http://ironingboardcollective.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/78510_f496.jpg]heart shaped[/url] expressionless face and pale skin. Her height is 5'5'' and her weight is 110 pounds, usually kept precise. She has an athletic, slender, body. She's only an A cup in breast size and has no nipples. Nothing about her facial features stand out, being what you'd consider a typical girl. She wears a black, tight fitting futuristic one-piece suit which cuts off at the mid thigh and the upper arms. On top of that is a blue half length jacket with the all white symbol of her organization on the back, a pair of angle wings wrapped around a Chinese dragon with bird talons, a bolt of electricity aching above it from it's open mouth. She wears silver knee high boots. She doesn't have many mannerisms unless counting her lack of mannerisms as a mannerism. She doesn't do many unnecessary movements. When in "standby" she often stands around with a dull stare on her face, hands clasped lightly at her waist. She can be seen lightly rocking lightly on her heels while in thought, however. [b]Personality Description:[/b] She doesn't have much personality at the moment, her creator claiming that she doesn't even have a soul (and truly believing that rather then it being an insult), so of course she wouldn't have any feelings. She's as stoic as they come, her mind always on her mission rather then her own safety or the safety of others, although getting herself killed for no good reason is a waste of resources, so she does have a basic notion of self preservation. She waits for an order to do almost anything besides the obvious, basic necessities. She's 100% loyal to those she's supposed to be, having no sense of morality other then doing as she's told. [b]Skills, powers and abilities:[/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] (Low) She's able to perform at high levels of demand placed on her body in both stamina and durability, keeping up with strenuous physical activity for twice as long as normal humans. As for durability, her actual defense is only slightly better then a normal human but she appears almost immune to pain, even able to continue fighting with bullet wounds as long as they aren't in vital spots or areas that would inhibit movement. She would still bleed out eventually and can still be killed through normal means, it's just more difficult. She has peak human performance (male or female) in reaction time, hand eye coordination, five senses, strength, and speed. She's really flexible as well, being double jointed. [b]Fighting Styles-[/b] (Low) She's most famous for using [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QGGQA2WTBI]Baji Quan[/url], but she can actually switch on the fly to any fighting style with proficiency. Yes, even things like sumo wrestling is in her programming. As long as the fighting style has purpose and it's reasonable for her to know if it's existence, she can more then likely use it. [b]Knowledge Programming-[/b] (Low) She has knowledge of anything deemed important to her missions programmed into her head. She cannot know everything both because her programmers didn't know everything and not everything can fit into her brain without causing problems, but she does know quite a bit. Sometimes she learns a whole lot for a certain mission and then is made to forget the useless stuff afterwards so she can learn more stuff for other missions. She has photographic memory to aid in this. [b]Skill Programming-[/b] (Low) What is said of knowledge programming can be said here as well. They can program her to be good at piano or fighting, for example. A lot of the time she goes undercover as a traveling pianist. She can never be as good as a true pro who trained their way to the top this way, but she does become proficient in any skill learned this way. Unfortunately, things that require emotion to be truly good at are still lost to her. A dancer instructor might say that technically she's one of the best, but there's just something missing about her performances. [b]Intellect-[/b] (Intermediate) With all of her knowledge, it goes without saying that she's quite intelligent as well. Her brain is considered her most important quality. [b]Character Equipment:[/b] [b]Body:[/b] (Low) Her one-pieces suit is made out of fibers that have bulletproof properties for small caliber bullets while still maintaining maximum flexibility. It's also fire and ice resistant, although would eventually fail because it's not completely fireproof or ice proof. Due to the expense of the suit it doesn't cover her whole body. [b]Weapons:[/b] Crossroad Blaster- (Low) Her signature weapon, appearing to be a [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/084/9/1/energy_handgun_by_peterku-d3cfpl5.jpg]pistol[/url]. It has two primary modes. The first ignores defense quite well and shoots a stunning blast of electricity once every five seconds and an effective range of 6 meters. The second mode is concentrated into a lethal electric bullet that fires once every half a second and a 2,000 meter effective range, which doesn't arch down due to gravity and travels at the speed of lightning. It's not effective against defense so usually requires multiple hits, but unarmed objects are quickly and accurately obliterated. The third mode drains all of the guns energy to fire it all at once, requiring 30 seconds of charge time if used when the gun is full. To get to full energy from nothing requires 30 hours. [b]Character History:[/b] She was created to have both the advantages of an organic being and a computer by an organization wanting her and her fellow androids to gain as much knowledge as possible about all events taking place in the multiverse. Basically, they're information brokers of the highest quality, selling said information for sometimes insane prices to the highest bidder. Their information can tip the scales of even the most massive of conflicts. She has since bent sent to the nexus of worlds and all the other worlds around it to gather as much new information as possible. For some odd reason she has lot contact with the organization, however, so is right now on her own.