[center][b]Sarah's Request[/b][/center] --- Kasim slowly lets the tension off of his bowstring as he watches the wights wrestle the dwarves down. He was mildly disappointed by the lack of a real fight, but then again this was perfect for what he had in mind. The dwarves going unhurt was also a bonus, of course, but Kasim had no qualms about them taking some injuries. Pain and danger were a part of adventure, after all, so it wouldn't be surprising if some of the dwarves only made it home after taking some grievous injuries. He put his bow and single arrow away, taking a moment to make sure the bow was securely strapped to his back, before heading over to the bridge to the pile of dwarves and wights. Kneeling down by the head of the dwarf that appeared to be held most secure by the wights, Kasim grabbed the fellow's weapon hand with his own gloved right hand and held it firmly to the ground, just to be safe. It wouldn't do anyone any good if the guy decapitated him while he was working, after all. He then brought his left hand up, gripped the leather of the glove between his teeth, and pulled the glove away to expose the pale flesh it had been hiding. Kasim's left hand was hovering just above the dwarf's forehead when he paused, remembering something. He let the glove drop from his mouth and looked up toward the drows, hoping Eins would be able to hear him as well. "So, uh, I didn't say anything about this before, but I have an ability I'm about to use. I've been told that it's called non-magic telepathy. I'm going to use it to dig into this dwarf's mind to try to find out what's controlling him, and to free him if I can." Kasim paused and looked down at the nearby wights for a moment before turning his attention to Naream. "Oh, and if you could maybe tell these things to be careful not to touch my skin while I'm doing this, that would be great. I don't think I'd like to see what's going on in the heads of your undead friends." Without further ado, Kasim turned his eyes back down to the dwarf and clamped his hand down on the fellow's forehead. He immediately started to dig deep into the dwarf's mind, past the surface thoughts, seeking information on what was controlling him, what dangers lurked further in the temple, and where the artifact was. Although usually Kasim would also be sending out horrid psychological torture alongside this kind of mental probing, which was his twisted way of fulfilling his darker desires to hurt others, this time he instead exercised some self control and sent out a mental message telling the dwarf that his mind was being held prisoner by some evil force and that he needed to fight it to help save his companions.