Although the intentions of everyone were to shame Soraya, she felt nothing but relief as the others - Dann, the ravens, the old woman - teased her. She had expected such a reaction, but she had accomplished exactly what she had set out to do: Jacob and Lucky weren't at each other's throats anymore. Besides, it was much easier to shrug things off as a joke than to take them seriously, she knew that. She smiled sincerely at all of them, the pressure lifted for a few moments. The witch seemed eager to be rid of the group. Soraya felt the floor shift and crease beneath her feet, as though she were standing on a wave in the river. The shop seemed to be pushing her out, acting out the witch's wishes. Soraya bowed her head towards the elderly woman, making to leave, but promptly saw Gavriil and Eshna be tossed out the door on their bottoms. She quietly stifled a laugh. The rest had maintained their balance despite the shifty floor under their feet. Although she wanted to get out of the store, lest she receive the witch's wrath, the pair of ravens decided that now was the appropriate time to disclose some important information about the journey. They spoke in their peculiar way, mostly at each other and not with anyone. It wasn't until they finally registered the threat and took off flying that Soraya felt she could finally take her leave, having learned all she could from the birds. "Thank you," she said quickly to the witch as she hurried out of the shop. Outside, the group regathered and were silent for a few moments. Soraya took that time to look at each of them, remembering their names from when Baldur had announced them to each of them. She could call them all by name now, if she had to. She doubted that any of them had the means to take down a frost giant, nevermind a group of them. As for her, she had a small flip knife that she'd had for years and was rather dull now, but that was absolutely useless as a weapon. Especially against a giant. It was more useful for cutting branches or stray strings on an old sweater. Then, every unexpectedly, Soraya heard Jacob say that she had been right. She was surprised as she looked over at him. He seemed to be preparing to say something more, and she narrowed her eyes and listened. Although she had been suspicious at first, as Jacob spoke she warmed up to his ideas and found herself nodding in agreement. He had very skilfully restated what she had said, and was much better at rousing the group to the matter. She was glad that finally there was some understanding between them. Slightly embarrassed at the event having been brought up again, but relieved at the inch of progress they had made, Soraya decided to herself that Jacob would be a worthy ally. He looked to be in pretty bad shape, overall, but she had respect for him and hoped he'd become healthier in time. Lucky sprang into action, revealing that he had driven to this place. He tossed the keys to Gavriil and declared that he would steal a car. Soraya's heart jumped a little with fear. She wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea of her pack mates riding around in a stolen car. But if it was completely necessary, she just hoped she didn't have to be one of the passengers in the stolen vehicle. Thankfully, Gavriil chose her as one of the passengers in Lucky's car. For a fraction of a second she wondered if that car was stolen as well, but worrying never solved anything so she dismissed the thought. Briefly she also wondered what had happened to Gavriil's once existent accent. She knew something sounded different, but she just now realized what it was. Did it have something to do with what the witch had said in that strange language? Despite now speaking clear English, his vocabulary and syntax were still somewhat off. He made a lot of good points, though. Soraya had been wondering about the weapons issue before. They couldn't just walk into a gun store and pick up guns. There were laws, after all. And most of them weren't even from this country. Although reluctant to vocalize her thoughts, Soraya knew she had to contribute something. "It's unlikely that we will be able to buy guns, as I'm sure you've all already realized. We may have to improvise. But unfortunately, we don't exactly know what a frost giant's weaknesses are in order to utilize them to our advantage."